Grab some pizza and do something with a skateboard as four giant turtles invade Street Fighter Duel

By , on April 19, 2024
Last modified 9 months, 4 weeks ago

Street Fighter Duel is all about honourable fighting, with hand-to-hand combat par for the course, with a few hadoukens thrown in for good measure. Or, you could go a different route, and play as a giant bipedal turtle wielding a weapon, as the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles come crashing into the action.

I would be surprised if there was anyone out there who hadn’t heard of the TMNT in some form or other, seeing as they have spread across damn near every piece of media available. They are humanoid turtles, they like pizza, and they can kick some serious butt. Enough said.

There have been a lot of iterations and stylistic changes done to the Turtles over the years, but old fans will be delighted to hear that our boys will be sporting their classic 1987 designs. Together with iconic heroes such as Ryu and Chun-Li, the four reptiles will tackle the combined might of M. Bison and the archnemieses of the TMNT; Shredder.

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Already in the game are the fearless leader of the group, Leonardo, and the biggest jester of the boys, Michelangelo. After having a lot of April and May to themselves, they will be joined by latecomers Raphael and Donatello on May 15th. Even if you aren’t a fan of the series, you might want to try to collect them purely for their awesome power.

Coming in and kind of showing every Street Fighter character up in their own game, Leonardo and Michelangelo can combine to produce the strongest ultimate attack in Duel to date. It will be interesting to see how Raphael and Donatello combine together, or indeed with their other brothers, or with all four at once. It might be game over for everyone else.

Street Fighter Duel is available to download from the App Store and Google Play.