Hearthstone heads towards a clash of the inventors as Dr Boom’s Incredible Inventions Mini-Set lands

By , on May 16, 2024
Last modified 9 months ago

Deep in the labs of Hearthstone, the incensed Dr Boom is hard at work perfecting his toymaking, spurred on by the taunts of Whizbang being named the world’s greatest inventor. Thinking along the lines that bigger is better, Boom hits upon this eureka moment, and releases unto our decks the Dr Boom’s Incredible Inventions Mini-Set.

Something to really keep an eye on is the new keyword; Gigantify. When you play a card with this word, for example, the puny three-mana Toysnatching Geist with two attack and one health, you will get a Gigantic version of the card added to your hand. This version has a massive eight attack and eight health for eight mana, a massive upgrade to dominate the endgame.

As a whole, this new mini-set brings 38 cards to the table, including the four-mana neutral Puppetmaster Dorian. He packs two attack and six health, but really shines thanks to his ability. Whenever you draw a minion, you get a one/one copy of it that costs one mana, perfect for a quick bull rush when your opponent is reeling.

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To celebrate this new set drop, the Dr Boom’s Aisle of Mischievous Toys event will be running from May 21st to June 11th. By completing Event Quests you can start amazing Event XP to advance along the rewards track. Keep ticking along, and you will net yourself six Whizbang’s Workshop packs, and the Thunder Ape Shaman Hero Skin.

Finally, Twist is returning with the Whizbang’s Heroes season landing in June. You will be able to pick from 19 Heroes to champion your cause, each with their own pre-constructed deck, Hero Power, and unique passive effect. Leeroy Jenkins, The Lich King, and even Dr Boom himself will be available to pick, as you try for glory.

Hearthstone is available to download from the App Store and Google Play.