Z2Live's Trade Nations Builds A Facebook Extension

By , on June 15, 2011

Z2Live's Trade Nations, a social build-'em-up for the iPhone masses, has been given planning permission for several new extensions, including the ability to connect your account to Facebook.

From there, you can invite your friends and acquaintances to be your Trade Nations neighbour.

If annoying your 602 Facebizzle pals in this way isn't incentive enough to convert, then how's about the gaining exclusive access to the newly opened jewellery shop?!

As for the game itself, try to think of Trade Nations as a mixture of SimCity, Age of Empires, and FarmVille...but called Trade Nations.

Rather than, say, Age of SimVille.

Whatever - the Facebook integration brings a whole new dimension to Trade Nations, though be careful not to fall out with your auntie's friend's cat Tibbles over turf wars and trade disputes.