Dark Avenger gets a dark trailer

By , on April 26, 2013
Last modified 11 years, 1 month ago

Do you want to be a dark avenger? Do you even know what a dark avenger is? Well, by the looks of the first trailer for Gamevil and Boolean Games's upcoming iOS game, it involves a massive amount of murder, flashing numbers, and picking stuff up.

The game appears to be a pretty standard dungeon crawling hack and slasher with expansive character customisation options, lots of loot to find, and screen-fulls of enemies to reduce to quivering wrecks with your sword swinging antics.

We don't have any word yet on when the game's coming out, but we wouldn't be surprised to see it landing on the App Store in the next couple of weeks. In the meantime, check out the trailer we've embedded for your perusal below.

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