Cartoon Network transports Card Wars - Adventure Time from the Land of Ooo to the App Store

By , on February 17, 2014
Last modified 10 years, 5 months ago

Card Wars is a card game that was created for Cartoon Network's cult-TV show Adventure Time. Now, you can play that game yourself on your iPhone and iPad

From the very beginning you will be faced with tactical decisions. Every character has their own unique ability that affect the course of matches. Your character, combined with your choice of deck, will dramatically change your tactical options..

Once into the action, you must lay down four lanes. These will dictate which card can be played in each path. Some of your cards are only playable in swamps, while others can only be placed in cornfields.

You also have to manage magic (a resource that limits actions per turn), which allows you to summon creatures with which to trounce your opponent.

Card Wars - Adventure Time

A spinning dial controls the effectiveness of attacks in game, stopping when the screen is tapped to reveal whether an assault was successful - while also testing your reaction time.

As a collectible card game, there are additional in-app purchases if you want to hone your deck, but the base app should prove more than enough for most players.

Devotees to the Land of Ooo can head to the App Store now to pick up Card Wars - Adventure Time for £2.49 / $3.99.

[App Store link]