Halfbrick’s new match-three puzzler Birzzle Fever is out now

By , on June 19, 2014
Last modified 10 years, 8 months ago

Halfbrick Publishing has just released its latest free-to-play title on the App Store, the fast paced puzzler Brizzle Fever.

This classic match-three puzzler will be familiar to anyone who has played Bejewelled. A grid of colourful birds greet you when you begin. Tapping on any bird that is touching two or more similarly colored friends makes them burst into a shower of feathers, and new birds flap into replace them.

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To spice things up, developer Enfeel has added time pressures. With each round playing out over a single minute you must be fast to rack up those high-scores. To further emphasise this focus on speed you also earn extra points the faster you link chains together. The more combos you get the faster you super-bird meter grows, allowing you to unleash powerful bird-bursting powers on your unsuspecting flock.

Being a Halfbrick game there are plenty of in-app purchases. So, with each one minute game taking one of your five energy hearts, you may want to keep a hawk like eye on your wallet.

Birzzle Fever is currently free on the App Store, and if you are a puzzle fan it may be worth a quick flutter.

[App Store link