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Joe Danger Infinity Review
Joe Danger was one of those games that leapt effortlessly from the console realm, and managed to land perfectly on the mobile platform. The sequel, Joe Danger Infinity, reminds us precisely why we loved the first game, and gives us a generous selection of meticulously designed levels, colourful characters, and new vehicles to discover. Rather than assuming control of Joe himself, the sequel has you taking charge of a Joe Danger action figure. Given his diminutive proportions, the full…
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Joe Danger Review
The original Joe Danger for the PSN was a heck of a ride - fluid, fast and packed full of collectables and objectives to complete, it was joy to play. Now Hello Games have brought their stunt-riding racer-come-high-scorer to the App Store and while it can take some getting used to the manic pace, Joe Danger Touch is no less addictive or fun than its bigger brother. Where the original title had more of an exploratory edge to its gameplay (akin to a hybrid of Excitebike and Trials HD),…
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