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Infinity Blade III Review
So here we are again. Infinity Blade has returned for what may be its final episode of slashtastic god-battering action. The world is bigger, the weapons are more plentiful, and the RPG elements have been applied with a little more vigour. There's even a more traditional linear structure, which funnels your warriors through specific stages and locations in a set order. But, while the beast may have grown and visited an armoury, its beating heard remains unchanged. Infinity Blade III i…
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Infinity Blade II Review
Not only did the original Infinity Blade introduce players to a new and cunningly effective combat system for touchscreen-based devices, it pushed the boundaries of what was possible on the iOS platform both visually and conceptually. Its iterative style of gameplay was (for some) simply repetitive, but more than anything else it has opened the doors up to a great story concept, something not lost at all in Chair Entertainment's sequel, Infinity Blade II. While those who played the or…
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Infinity Blade Review
After teasers that had many of us salivating for months on end, ChAIR Entertainment has finally released their gorgeous and engrossing on-rails RPG title Infinity Blade. You'll take the reigns of a luckless hero who is compelled to return to a cursed tower in order to avenge the death of his father, but once you meet your demise (and you will) the mantle of a hero and crusader will be passed to your successive generations until you can crush the God King once and for all. Over the cou…
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