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Dungeon Hearts iPad Review
For a long while the three-match arcade puzzle mechanic concept slept in the back of the gaming consciousness, occasionally finding a sort of yawning, eye-squinting revival by being jammed in as an alternative to button mashing. Dungeon Hearts by Cube Roots and Devolver Digital could have easily slipped in to the same, rote (and boring) routine as those that have come before, but instead they offer an immediate and highly challenging experience. In a way you can think of Dungeon Heart…
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Serious Sam: Kamikaze Attack! Review
You have to admire a developer that can create a character so fearsome that it only takes a distant whisper of its tireless scream to send a shudder down your spine. Which, according to Croteam themselves, is kinda weird considering the Beheaded Kamikaze of Serious Sam fame has no head to scream with. Thankfully in the iOS outing of Serious Sam: Kamikaze Attack! by Devolver Digital you get to control a Kamikaze instead of being its intended victim, just don't get too excited because yo…
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