Dawn of Discovery - Harbor Review

- Impressive visuals.
- Solid campaign.
- Gameplay can become overwhelming.
Ubisoft have boiled their PC title down to a simple gameplay mechanic, while keeping a high level of presentation that will keep strategy fans busy for quite a while.
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Dawn of Discovery is the latest installment in the Anno series, a game that focuses on resource management with a touch of real time strategy. This iphone port takes one element of the PC release and creates a very addictive time manangement game through thirty six missions. As the harbour master, it is your duty to manage traders to make your daily quota and expand your business.
Everything is controlled by touching and dragging. Traders queue up to enter your harbour, and you choose which ones dock. They unload their wares and then expect resources in return. As you gain more docks and more traders arive, it becomes a task of juggling needed resources with which traders pay you the most.
The visuals are fantastic. Everything is nicely rendered, and the transitions between your office and the harbour are especially impressive. The sound is well done, but if you would like something different, ipod support is enabled. Alongside the story mode, there is also an endless play option, with achivements and local high scores.
Dawn of Discovery takes a very complex PC game and turns it into one of the iphone's more popular genres, the time management sim. If you love time management games, This is worth the price.