Solomon's Keep Review

- Simplified action-RPG gameplay.
- Dark 3D sprite designs and plenty of special effects.
- Great introduction to the genre.
- Bland environments.
Fans of action-RPG games and Diablo in particular will feel at home with Solomon's Keep and its foreboding environments, but its simplified style makes this a great game for casual gamers to dip their toe in to.
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It's dark, it's dank, it's full of undead hordes and it's going to be your graduating exam. Solomon's Keep by Raptisoft is a twin-stick action RPG that boils down the Diablo style of gameplay in to a fun and highly addictive App for your iPhone.
Exploring the heights of Solomon's Keep is easy, with standard twin-stick controls to control movement and firing your selected spell. Initially movement and firing can be slow and awkward, but as you progress and level up your character gains the ability to move with greater agility and decimate his enemies with greater ease. The firing stick can be held down to fire your spells repeatedly, but tapping the stick also works well to direct spells without wasting mana.
Solomon's Keep makes clever use of 3D modeled creatures and environments rendered down to 2D sprites to keep the game fast while retaining a modern feel to the graphics. The environments border on being repetitive and bland despite the occasional break-up as you head outside the tower, but the game is quick to play through and honestly what else would you expect of a 'dungeon'-crawler than literally crawling through dungeons! The leveling and skill system have been kept simple, but there's enough variation to make multiple playthroughs worthwhile.
If you're a fan of the action-RPG genre then you'd be doing yourself a disservice by not checking out Solomon's Keep. It might be a bit repetitive for new comers to the genre, but it's still a great way to introduce yourself to the gameplay.