Ultrablast Review

By , on September 1, 2010

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4 out of 5


  • Multiple control schemes.
  • Great power-ups and weapon system.
  • Large storyline and lots of boss fights.


  • Slow to progress; unlocking stages to continue from can take a while.


Ultrablast steps back from trying to be yet another arcade shmup title and throws in a simple, but effective combat system and storyline to keep you hooked till the end.

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After the recent epilepsy-inducing madness of Dodonpachi Resurrection it's great to step things back a little in the shoot'em-up genre by slipping in to Ultrablast by RetroFlux. While it may not feature over the top bullet hell style gameplay, its storyline and dynamic game mechanics make this a different beast to approach.

Players can choose between three basic movement controls either using touch, virtual stick or tilting to maneuver around the screen. Firing is automatic, however players have access to two weapons out of a possible four in the game that can be switched instantly and independently powered up. Each weapon not only changes your basic play style but also does additional damage against certain enemy units, making experimentation a key strategy to your survival. Special abilities are also available and are activated by drawing gestures on the screen to give access to power-ups like reflective shields and damage multipliers. 

The visuals are incredibly large and vivid, with each ship and special effect looking like it's fresh out of a Saturday morning cartoon. The variety in enemies is also amazing and so large that players can also gain access to an encyclopedia of defeated units that list them all along with weaknesses and minor back-story.

Ultrablast is an epic journey that doesn't quite pack the same energy as a straight arcade shmup, but remains fun enough to play through to completion. Worth checking out if your a fan of action and shmup titles in general.


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