Astronut Review

- Familiar jump gameplay with a gravity twist.
- Steady challenge increase.
- Sharp, smooth visuals.
- Limited replay value; achievement/score focused.
Astronut is a surprisingly difficult game to master despite its somewhat simpler origins and it's worth checking out the free version before making your final purchase.
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Endless jumpers in one variety or another are a common occurrence on the App Store, though now and then a lesser used variation based on rotating platforms pops up in games like Jump o'Clock and Oddy Smog. Astronut by The Iconfactory puts its own spin ('ha ha') on this variation in more ways than one and players will need to explore the cosmos with their character while avoiding dangerous planets and alien creatures out to stop you.
The basic gameplay consists of moving between planets, propelling yourself with a jump or blasting your way through planets and enemies with a rechargeable 'boost'. However, instead of relying on 'endless' levels, each area has a set design and distance to travel and players can boost their score by attempting to float as long as possible after launching from a planet. Gravity from each planet can affect your trajectory and enemies provide obvious obstacles, but between power-ups and your boost you have plenty of ways to keep yourself safe on your travels.
Each area of the game features unique planets that also act as hazards, either by sucking you in to a black-hole, pushing you off the surface after a set time or even causing damage to you for staying on for too long. Should you reach the end of an area while also collecting every star-shard you'll enter a tilt-based minigame for bonus points and additional health. Astronut also has a lot of visual eye-candy to keep players interested and Retina displays are supported with ultra-crisp and smooth graphics.
There's little reason not to give Astronut a try as the initial set of worlds are free and the rest can be unlocked with an in-game purchase, though the first four levels don't really convey just how madcap things can get in later areas. Astronut is a lot of fun and a great alternative for those who enjoy jumping titles or arcade games in general; well worth checking out.