Toy Shot™ Review

- Hilarious sound effects upon winning or losing a level.
- A vast array of weaponry to help you take out your toy rivals.
- A very unique aiming system.
- The thunder dragon!
- While unique, the aiming system can be quite cumbersome.
- Your enemies are quite tough and don't always die when you think they should.
Another Crush the Castle type game, but with a unique aiming system, bountiful weaponry and an amusing presentation, fans who haven't gotten enough flinging physics destruction should give this a look.
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Sometimes all you need for a good game idea is to take an existing game type and add something new to it. Toy Shot takes the flinging physics fun found in such games as Angry Birds and Crush the Castle, wraps it up it up in LEGO blocks and gives you the most unique aiming system we've seen in one of these games yet. Does it make it stand out from the pack however?
The aiming system is a bulls-eye, and when you drag your finger out from it, you create a circle with a line. This stays put upon firing, indicating your previous shot in case you wish to replicate it or make small changes. The circle indicates your power, and the line is the reverse of the direction you fired. After a bit of play the cleverness of this system becomes apparent but there is a bit of a feeling out phase where you're fighting the controls to pull off the shot you want.
Another thing worth mentioning is the array of weaponry at your disposal. Bombs, darts, boomerangs; some of the levels call for their use. Each weapon behaves how you would expect, but some weapons like the dart for instance, require a lot of finesse in the levels that require their use. Finesse is actually required in general. The toy castles are quite resistant, and the denizens actually can resist falls and indirect hits. In some levels you'll be wondering how they survived what you've just put them through, and then grumble as you have to use your last shot to try and finish the job.
Despite all this though, Toy Shot is quite fun. The game doesn't take itself too seriously, what with the amusing remarks upon either winning or losing a level, and try not to smile the first time you use the thunder dragon. This can be recommended to those who are looking for another physics flinger or just want a fun way to waste some time.