Robot Unicorn Attack 2 Review

- Great new aesthetic.
- Really responsive and tight controls.
- Great level progression (especially for a freemium title).
- Innovative community multiplayer.
- 'Always' is behind a paywall.
- Damn those dash giants!
If you want a solid freemium endless runner that's not wrapped up in strong arm design and doesn't take itself too seriously, one of the best has made a sequel, and it is damn good.
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It's been a couple years since Adult Swim graced us with Robot Unicorn Attack, a fantastical romp with a unicorn through a fairy tale world, complete with the biggest earworm of a soundtrack to ever grace iOS gaming. Seriously, “Always, I want to be with you”... it's in your head now, isn't it? So what do the creators have in store for a sequel. Well the usual mantra for sequels is more of the same, but bigger and better, and while that is certainly the case here, they've lavished this freemium title with a steady stream of progression to keep you playing long after the initial shine has worn off.
The game is pretty much the same at its core. You have a jump button and a dash button. You are able to double jump and dashing resets your jump as well. The dash is needed to take out stars and other enemies, as well as give you a boost if required. The response of the controls, and the elegant way you can double jump, dash through the air, and then jump out of it again is a marvel to behold. You have three wishes (tries) before its game over, and as you complete missions which level you up, you will unlock boosts that can be bought and equipped that aid the game in some small way, such as allowing a free star dash or acting as a magnet. When you reach level six, you will unlock the community multiplayer, in which you pick either the side of inferno or rainbow, and each day, which team has the most cumulative points will get additional raindrops to spend in the store.
The store is mostly cosmetic. You can upgrade your unicorn, and later models move faster, but you can also buy additional tracks to play during the game. These tracks are all real money, but it helps pay the creators of the music, you get rain drops with the purchase, and yes, 'Always' is available.
The game has received a huge visual upgrade as well, with the main level sporting a spectacular vista on plateaus on top of clouds, and even space narwhals. The backdrops are gorgeous, and really help to immerse the player within this unicorn's dash for wish fulfilment.
Unless you're stone-hearted or just plain sick of the endless runner genre, you should give Robot Unicorn Attack 2 a look. It's free to download, full of whimsy and one of those titles that reminds you that games can just be about stupid fun to put a smile on your face, and that's okay.