Sqwords Review

By , on July 11, 2013
Last modified 11 years, 1 month ago

Download on the AppStore
4 out of 5


  • Loads of content. 
  • Really enjoyiable melding of word and puzzle game.
  • Good soundtrack


  • Enjoyment irrevocably tied to your vocabulary.
  • A bit visually sparse.


Though it borrows from other word games, Sqwords is competent puzzler in its own right.

  • Full Review
  • App Store Info

Sqwords refers to itself as a blend of Sudoku and crosswords. We would describe the in terms of creating the perfect board of Boggle, where each cluster makes a word both horizontally and vertically.

This is easy enough to achieve when the boards are three by three. But, as you advance through four other boards, each growing in size, things start getting pretty complex.

Obviously, the level of excitement you feel upon hearing the phrase 'word creation puzzle gameplay' will dictate whether or not Sqwords is for you.

Games begin with certain letters already placed on the board. You must fill the gaps with the letter blocks until the board is complete. You can drag tiles with your finger. They float around the board, are susceptible to momentum, and are sucked into place with a satisfying thunk. If the letter is deemed unacceptible it will turn red. Technically, if your word knowledge isn't up to snuff, you can win stages simply by trying out all possible combinations (although it would be easier just to use the available hint system).

The early stages may be too easy for some, and others might find the whole concept rather boring. But, for word game aficionados, this is a great take on the genre excecuted with flair. Personally, I'm looking forward to the inevitable sequel, Sqwords With Sqwiends.


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