Baby Lava Bounce Review

By , on November 22, 2013
Last modified 11 years, 3 months ago

Baby Lava Bounce - GameClub
  • Publisher: GameClub
  • Genre: Action
  • Released: 7 Nov, 2013
  • Size: 66.8 MB
  • Price: FREE!
Download on the AppStore
3 out of 5


  • Functional Tiny Wings-style bouncing gameplay.
  • Novelty of playing a game in which a block of lava is a protagonist.


  • Gameplay feels too random.
  • Several elements of gameplay left unexplained.


This functional but unremarkable endless-bouncer is fine for a few runs, but doesn't give you many reasons to get hot under the collar.

  • Full Review
  • App Store Info

As gamers, we have certain expectations about he ways our virtual worlds behave. For instance, anyone who's played a platformer - especially one starring a plumber or hedgehog - will know that lava is bad. Baby Lava Bounce has come to change our conceptions. Instead of dealing firey death to all in its path, perhaps lava just wants to be loved.

Problem is, rather than red hot hugs and kisses, these lava blocks can only express their affection through wanton destruction. Each lava has a fuel bar that tells you how hot they are, and how long it will be before they cool and become a charcoaled husk of their former selves. This bar can be replenished by plunging into any of the numerous volcanoes that populate the islands. Oddly, it can also be replenished by smashing into any people, animals, plants, or space debris that you happen to come across.

Anyone who has played Tiny Wings should be familiar with the controls. Tapping the screen will send the baby careening towards the ground. If the baby lava hit a level piece of ground it will bounce, but if it hits a ledge, it will fly off into the cosmos. Naturally, water must be avoided, with a accidental plunge taking most of your heat bar away. However, if you have a totem shield, you'll bounce off the water's surface like a well thrown skipping stone.

Runs are enjoyable, if short, affairs. The thing is, there's not much to keep you coming back for more other than the drive to best own high score. And, given the amount of luck that's involved with ever run, chasing personal bests isn't as satisfying as it should be. It's fine for a few runs, but after that this potentially fiery offering winds up feeling a little tepid.


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