Last Inua - An Arctic Adventure Review

- Gorgeous art design
- Touching story
- Interesting ideas and puzzles
- Painfully slow pace
- Puzzles have very limited solutions
- Frequent deaths with poor checkpointing
Last Inua’s atmospheric world is worth experiencing, but be prepared for its ponderous pace.
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Set in a frozen tundra, Last Inua is a chilly tale of isolation and desperation. An evil demon called Tonrar is trying to destroy the world. Only one person is able to stop him: a boy named Hiko who is blessed with a supernatural power. Unfortunately, these powers are too much for his adolescent body to handle, so his loving father, the powerful Ataataq, must help him on his quest.
Their journey plays out in the form of a 2D puzzle platformer in which you switch back and forth between the duo at will. Movement is handled by a virtual stick which usually behaves itself, but does prove fiddly enough to cause a few miss-timed jumps and early deaths.
Ataataq is able to jump, and utilise his power to smash through icy blocks and scale shear walls. The smaller Hiko is less powerful, but proves no less capable. His powers allow him to warp between glowing points around stages, and even create bridges of light to pass over dangers. To complete levels the characters have to use their powers in unison, with Hiko warping to higher ground while his father clambers up icy cliffs.
The puzzle mechanics are solid and satisfying, even if the solutions are a little narrow. Our biggest complaint, however, is that the whole experience is painfully slow, with both Ataataq and Hiko’s moving like they are waist deep in treacle. This becomes increasingly frustrating as each death sends you halfway back through levels.
This could be forgiven if death were not so common place, but it seems to be everywhere. From dropping into a pit of spikes because Ataataq seems determined to ignore your jump command to being mauled by a yeti, each level is drawn out by the need to repeatedly retrace your steps.
Last Inua’s tranquil world and touching story of fatherly affection make us want to love it. Unfortunately, we found our excitement tempered by its scripted puzzle solutions and plodding pace. It is certainly worth experiencing for the beautiful art style, but do be prepared for a little frustration along the way.