Sky Tourist Blitz Trip Review

- Entertaining control mechanic
- Ingenious physics puzzles
- Charming visual design
- Slow pace can frustrate
- Forced repetition through deaths can bore
Sky Tourist Blitz Trip provides a healthy dose of gently-paced, entertaining physics-based problem solving action.
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Sky Tourist Blitz Trip is an odd little puzzle game that suspends its hero right in the middle of the action. Hung like a tacky air freshener, the dangling protagonist must be coaxed upwards though a series of physics based conundrums, collecting blocks and crystals on his way.
You control the tourist's ascent through the vertically-scrolling levels by swinging him back and forth on a line between two rockets. Raising one missile higher than the other slides the little chap towards the lower one, with his speed controlled by the difference in height between them.
Rotating doors and platforms are the first wrinkle you'll encounter. But the game quickly layers on a number of other physics-puzzle elements to the mix. Soon you find yourself pushing rocks to activate doors before whizzing across the stage to dislodge creatures that are trying to gnaw through your supporting line.
It is, in fact, the rope that proves the most fragile part of this high-wire escapade. While some environmental elements can slice your life line, the real problem is the tension caused by applying too much thrust when your hero is lodged under the landscape.
When the game does decide to up the difficulty, its strange how the challenge sneaks up on you. Despite having no tutorial, it only takes a few levels before you are solving things instinctively, satisfyingly stunned at your own ingenuity.
Unfortunately, you don't get it right every time. This can make being outwitted halfway through a longer brainbuster tedious, with you once again forced to navigate through ponderous sections of puzzle again.
Sky Tourist Blitz Trip is a charming little game, with a nice premise for its imaginative puzzles. Though it's slow pace makes repeating levels feel like a chore, there is enough novelty to make persevering worthwhile.