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Retro RPG sequel Across Age 2 HD slashes its way onto iPad

News By Alex Beech, 10 years, 9 months ago
Retro RPG sequel Across Age 2 HD slashes its way onto iPad

Things have changed since FDG's nostalgic RPG Across Age was released on the App Store back in 2010. Though old-skool Zelda-alikes were relatively thin on the ground four years ago, iOS gamer have since been drowned in a tidal wave of similarly styled retro-JRPG experiences. Unlike many of these one-shot copy / paste efforts, however, the newly released Across Age 2 HD - which is now available on iPad - does build on an established RPG franchise. And, to its credit, it doesn't seem to stick as closely to the cookie-cutter approach of some of its peers. The basic premise remains unchanged. You're cast as returning heroes Ales and Ceska, and must jump headfirst into another ti…