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10 weird The Sandbox worlds to get you psyched for the sequel

Feature By Ananth Shastri, 9 years, 11 months ago
10 weird The Sandbox worlds to get you psyched for the sequel

At GDC 2015, our friends at sister site Pocket Gamer got a hands-on preview with The Sandbox 2, calling it "a more dashing version of the creative mega hit". We're excited to mess around with a whole new set of tools and abilities - the original game allowed for some deviously clever simulations. To get ready for the sequel, here's a look at some of the more unique levels from the first Sandbox that showcase its gameplay diversity. If you've encountered wackier drawings or more intense tunes, post 'em in the comments as usual. But is it a tunnel or a pyramid? Whoa... Try moving the window for a cool effect... ... and here’s part 2. Its eyes... why are they so full of death?…

Axe and ye shall receive!... 15 massively entertaining World Zombination clips

Feature By Ananth Shastri, 9 years, 11 months ago
Axe and ye shall receive!... 15 massively entertaining World Zombination clips

World Zombination is my new favourite free-to-play game. Unlike similar titles, Zombination sports relatively generous timers, a unique concept, and most importantly, contains polished and entertaining strategic action. It’s the detail and quality that sets this one above the rest, and as such, it’s a lot of fun to watch in action - as these videos grabbed from Kamcord will attest. Some are silly, but others are genuinely exciting, keeping you uncertain about the battle’s outcome. And as always, if you've got a better clip, let us know in the comments. They're just protesting against voice clip repetition in games Just die already! (part 1) "It’s the 12th annu…

True MADNESS: the most explosively awesome tricks from True Skate

Feature By Ananth Shastri, 9 years, 11 months ago
True MADNESS: the most explosively awesome tricks from True Skate

True Skate is a shining example of post-release developer support, and thankfully an update in August last year added Kamcord replays to the game. I say thankfully, but what you’re really getting is a couple hours of futile swiping, trying to replicate the sheer madness of other, far more skilled pocket skaters. Or perhaps they just got lucky. Yeah, that's it. Here's 9 of the best True Skate videos on Kamcord, guaranteed to make your eyeballs bleed at their majesty. If you've got another, add a link down below in the comments. 1. Because I didn’t even know you could get that high 2. Ehh… not enough spin. 7.8/10 3. Yes it’s a glitch, but he landed it anyway…

6 superb strategy games that are sublime in short sessions

Feature By Ananth Shastri, 9 years, 11 months ago
6 superb strategy games that are sublime in short sessions

Sometimes you simply don’t want to spend three hours guiding a troop of fragile units past an enemy horde. It can be frustrating to lose hours of progress because of a single misstep, and nothing’s worse than having to restart a battle because you forgot to save. However, there’s no sense in completely forgoing your strategy fix - and to help you out, we’ve chosen six titles that don’t require eons per session. 1. 868-HACK - it’s hard to think of a more mechanically complex iOS title than this one - and unfortunately, that’s probably a turn-off for many mobile gamers. But unlike other titles of similar depth, 868-HACK features concise 5 - 10 minute…

Pixellated Picassos: 9 games that push the boundaries for pixel art

Feature By Ananth Shastri, 9 years, 12 months ago
Pixellated Picassos: 9 games that push the boundaries for pixel art

After months of pondering, I still don’t know why pixel art is appealing to so many people. Is it the satisfying chunkiness of the images, or perhaps the detail and clever shading? While many debate the cause of pixellation’s appeal as a medium for art, none can deny its increased prominence among modern games. Here are some examples of developers who went the extra mile, producing truly sublime pixel art to enhance already excellent games. 1. Superbrothers: Sword & Sworcery EP - the best part about the graphics of Sword & Sworcery is their understated subtlety. The muted and incredibly detailed art, along with the excellent musical score, create a rather haunting and u…

5 iOS sequels that stand above their predecessors in every way

Feature By Ananth Shastri, 10 years ago
5 iOS sequels that stand above their predecessors in every way

Sometimes even excellent games can leave you unfulfilled. Perhaps the amount of content was on the lower side, or a minor niggle diminished your overall enjoyment of the package, or you just wanted a bit more; but whatever the reason, you wished the developers had expanded on their ideas to create a superior experience. The following games are the perfect sequels - capitalizing on the strengths of their predecessors and eliminating their few weaknesses. 1. Jet Car Stunts 2 - this sequel is one that chooses to refine rather than overhaul the original - which is totally fine by me, given how awesome the original Jet Car Stunts is. You speed along a set of levitating tracks, using jet fuel to…

6 brilliantly minimalist iOS games you have to play

Feature By Ananth Shastri, 10 years ago
6 brilliantly minimalist iOS games you have to play

With all the immense power of our newest smartphones, it's easy to forget that minimalist games can look just as stunning as games which push your phones to the limit. There's a certain elegance in using bold colors and clean lines to convey an engaging concept. The following games are shining examples of the proper way to combine satisfying gameplay and minimalistic visuals in one very appealing package. 1. Boson X - We’re really kicking it off with a bang... or at least with a collision between microscopic subatomic particles. Boson X is a fabulous endless rotational runner sporting twitchy and fast-paced action. Boson X rewards quick reflexes as well as knowledge of the patte…

Craft your very own pirate stronghold with Raids of Glory

News By Ananth Shastri, 10 years, 1 month ago
Craft your very own pirate stronghold with Raids of Glory

I seriously doubt that any living human has not, at some point in their life, wanted to become a pirate. What’s not to like about being a seaborne raider, pillaging and plundering anything unfortunate enough to stand in your way? Of course you do have to endure multiple hideous diseases, and live with the constant threat of being caught and hanged at any minute... Since those last two don’t sound fun, you may want to just play Raids of Glory instead, in which you can experience the pirate lifestyle without any awful caveats. You’ll erect imposing fortresses and guide bands of marauding warriors, all the while enjoying the game's Metal-enhanced visuals. If you’re a…

Impatient Squirrel sees you help a squirrel find its acorn, and maybe save an actual real life species of squirrel

News By Ananth Shastri, 10 years, 1 month ago
Impatient Squirrel sees you help a squirrel find its acorn, and maybe save an actual real life species of squirrel

If you've been desperately searching for a new puzzle game featuring a constantly moving cute small creature, Impatient Squirrel might scratch your itch. By sliding tiles on-screen, you direct a sprinting squirrel towards its ultimate goal of... any guesses...? That's right, an acorn. You'll have to think fast to avoid leading Mr. Squirrel to his untimely demise. If the going gets tough, you can use your wallet to ease your journey, but hopefully the developer doesn't go nuts with the pricing. See what I did there? Bad puns aside, this has the potential to be a cool release for puzzle fanatics, and the charity angle the game has - the developer is helping support the Red Squirrel Survival…