Telltale’s Hector and Puzzle Agent Adventure Games Discounted On iPhone

By , on January 23, 2012

Telltale is currently hosting a sale on its iPhone puzzle adventures series Hector and Puzzle Agent, with select titles discounted to 99c from their usual price of $4.99.

Both Puzzle Agent and Puzzle Agent 2 are reduced, so now's a good time to acquaint yourself with series protagonist Nelson Tethers, an FBI Puzzle Research Division agent, and the game's spooky setting: Scoggins.

As you explore the strange town of Scoggins, you'll be solving puzzles for the locals, investigating the mystery of the local eraser factory, and guffawing at the dialogue.

We awarded Puzzle Agent a 4/5 in our agent evaluation. Err, I mean, review.

Meanwhile, episodes 2 and 3 in the Hector series are currently available at a discounted price.

This franchise centres on the crude, drunken exploits of 'fat arse of the law' Detective Inspector Hector, who has to collar crooks and criminals in the seedy town of Clappers Wreake.

We enjoyed all of Hector's iPhone outings, awarding both Senseless Acts of Justice (episode 2) and Beyond Reasonable Doom (episode 3) a 4/5 in our reviews.

Old skool adventure game fans: you have until 29th January to scoop up these bargains.