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FIFA 16 Ultimate Team� Review
Fifa 16 Ultimate team - Is this the ultimate mobile version of Fifa? Glen from Pocket Gamer delivers his verdict…
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Tetris® Blitz iPad Review
Tetris will never die. The granddaddy of all block puzzlers is the quintissential example of a timeless game, one which transcends arbitrary divides such as age brackets and console generations. The latest iteration of the tetromino twirling title is Tetris Blitz. Designed for touchscreens, its puts a high-speed spin on the classic formula in the hope of injecting even more urgency into each round. Rather than guiding blocks and clearing lines until your stack hits the top of the scr…
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Real Racing 3 (Worldwide Release) Review
Editor's Note: As of the 28th of February the game is live across the world. Updates to the game have resolved minor bugs, however most importantly at the time of this writing 'repairs' no longer take time to complete. You'll still be considerably out of pocket, but it will put you back on the road sooner after taking unavoidable damage (such as from a TSM-controlled AI driver). Despite this the core problem afflicting RR3's playability remains in-tact; the game is devoid of meaningful…
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Need for Speed™ Most Wanted Review
If Electronic Arts is demonstrating anything with Need for Speed Most Wanted for the iOS platform, it's an interest in stripping back their racers to the core experience. For some this may be an absolute boon - mobile platforms are often used in short bursts, so things like a story and too many fiddly customizations are simply a distraction compared to the main feast of burning rubber down city and country roads alike. Unfortunately Most Wanted goes even further than that and instead…
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MONOPOLY Millionaire Review
There's a lot to be said for the mobile versions of Monopoly that EA have released over the years. In my experience, no game is responsible for causing more arguments amongst friends (maybe Mario Kart), so it's nice to be able to enjoy such a well designed take on capitalism playing against computer controlled opponents. For those of you who don't have a problem playing with friends, there's always that option too, and plenty of tweaks to create the type of game you want to play. So t…
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The waves keep crashing against the beach; the sun keeps rising; and the moon’s orbit slowly decays to an eventual stop; such are the many natural things we can can count on to happen every day, including Electronic Arts’ inevitable update to the FIFA franchise. If you detect a slightly sour bitterness on the palette, don’t worry, it’s just a sore point borne of the cyclical nature of the game industry. There is, however, a benefit to this kind of repet…
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Burnout™ CRASH! Review
Mayhem and destruction - these two factors have continually kept the Burnout series addictive and appealing to play, no matter its iteration. Burnout Crash! by Criterion Games and EA Mobile is no exception, though its reliance on random success can wear thin if you're after something that requires more skill. Don't let that thought get you down though. Learning to control your vehicle (in so much as you can) to create the biggest chain reactions can be immensely rewarding - not the le…
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Flight Control Rocket Review
Despite its oddly phrased name, it's hard not to think of Firemint's classic line-drawing title when you hear about their latest game, Flight Control Rocket. This is clearly no mistake as the game is best described as Flight Control with rockets, but the change of venue and theme has opened up new possibilities for greater levels of challenge. Initially, this variety is the game's greatest selling point. Players are initially introduced to a basic form of the line-drawing gameplay. Po…
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If there's one thing that's likely to get gamers riled up, it's a tie-in product. When you have a successful franchise, you need only slap a name on to a product with a marked-up price and wallow in the profits. Given that the third title in the Mass Effect series has just hit it's no surprise to see EA and Bioware giving the green-light to an iOS title, but IronMonkey Studios have gone above and beyond to make Mass Effect Infiltrator a game worthy of play all on its own. Somewhere al…
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Trenches II Review
It's been almost two years since the original Trenches was released on the iPhone and both fans of the original and of head-to-head castle defense games should be happy with what's on offer here. It's the great war, and taking control of either the British, German, or French forces, it's up your superior intelligence as a battlefield general to make sure your troops gain ground and win the conflict in your favor. If you've played the original you'll be right at home with the gameplay.…
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It's that time of year again when all the new annual iterations of EA Sports' line up get released, and us reviewers are stuck with the task of not only treating these titles as their own game, but simultaneously comparing them to every previous yearly release and seeing how they stack up. So how does FIFA 12 stack up in the world of electronic soccer simulation? Let us delve in and find out. First off, for those who bemoaned FIFA 11 for neglecting a comprehensive football manager mod…
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The Sims™ Medieval Review
The Sims has always been a strange beast. Just the initial concept of taking over someone else's life and guiding them through the mundane tasks that make up our own existence takes on kind of a sinister tone when you think about it. Of course if you think a little more, the RPG genre is all about taking over another person's life, and if you grind enough, monster slaying can become as monotonous as attending a nine to five job and having to cook yourself dinner every night. It's kind…
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Let's get this out of the way first. If you're a NFL fan and are looking to play some Gridiron on your iPhone, Madden 12 has enough content and solid gameplay to make it a worthwhile purchase. For everyone else, let's delve a little deeper. The game is played with a combination of touch mechanics and an on screen joystick and buttons. Whether on offensive or defense, you can select a play from your team's book (with every team having their own unique plays), or you can use the touch s…
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SPY mouse Review
Sometimes it's easy to forget that Firemint, the developers of the Real Racing series for iOS have another game they're rather famous for - a little line-drawing App called Flight Control. While racing has its fans, Flight Control made perfect use of the touch-screen interface to create a fun game based around the pressures of multitasking. So what if Firemint decided to boil the concept down in to something a bit more bite-sized? What if you were rewarded for your puzzle solving skil…
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SHIFT 2 Unleashed Review
Sometimes, just sometimes it hurts a little when you get excited about a sequel only to realize you've bought the same game you've bought a dozen times before only with a handful of additions and a rearranged interface. It's nothing new and the concept of 'yearly sequels' has long since entered in to gaming culture as a sort of in-joke, with SHIFT 2 Unleashed adding itself to the pile of games that fail to excite. In the Need for Speed series, SHIFT represents a sort of middle-ground…
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