Home » Simogo AB

DEVICE 6 Review

Review Simogo AB By James Gilmour, 10 years, 9 months ago
DEVICE 6 Review

In DEVICE 6, words will set you free. As you navigate your way through Year Walk developer Simogo's text-based adventure, you quickly come to realise that the words on screen are your eyes, your ears, your map, your compass, your salvation, and - potentially - your doom. You assume the role of Anna, a woman who is trying to escape the confines of an unspecified island. Like an '80s adventure book, her story unfolds via blocks of text punctuated by moments of interactivity. These momen…

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Year Walk Review

Review Simogo AB By Andrew Nesvadba, 11 years, 5 months ago
Year Walk Review

Isolation, loneliness, darkness, despair, and fear - such are the emotions exploited by thrillers and horror based titles, and Year Walk by Simogo is no exception. However, instead of relying on cheap thrills and spills or obscene violence like a teen-slasher, this title gently pushes you in to a world dripping with macabre portents, leading you deeper and deeper in to its dark and disturbing story. For a developer known for their upbeat titles, Year Walk makes for a surprising change…

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Beat Sneak Bandit Review

Review Simogo AB By Andrew Nesvadba, 12 years, 5 months ago
Beat Sneak Bandit Review

Simogo are quickly establishing themselves as the quirky, but undoubtedly rock-solid sort of developer you can trust to bring quality gaming to the App Store. Beat Sneak Bandit is the latest release from the Swedish developers and is easily their greatest triumph as it elegantly blends addictive gameplay with audio/visual elements to create a jaw-dropping puzzle experience. All the clocks in the world have been stolen, but the Beat Sneak Bandit has a good idea where they've all been t…

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Bumpy Road Review

Review Simogo AB By Andrew Nesvadba, 13 years, 2 months ago
Bumpy Road Review

Developer Simogo is no stranger to creating addictive high-score titles, having already captured people's attention with the charming Kosmo Spin and their latest release Bumpy Road shows no signs of letting up on this trend. A unique control system isn't the only thing that makes this game worth picking up as players are treated to a rich world of sights and sounds with story breadcrumbs to keep you coming back for more. At its core, Bumpy Road is another endless platformer, but playe…

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Kosmo Spin Review

Review Simogo AB By Andrew Nesvadba, 13 years, 7 months ago
Kosmo Spin Review

By now veteran iDevice gamers have come to expect the odd arcade title (or three or four or a dozen) that offers little more than a simple gameplay concept to tide them over during spare moments of the day. This isn't exactly a bad thing given that you're playing on a mobile device, but even when you're only eating snacks it's easy to fill yourself up. Kosmo Spin by Simogo Handelsbolag fits in to the snack-sized arcade category, though its immensely charming style and challenge based q…

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SPL-T $2.99

App 2.2

The Sailor’s Dream

The Sailor’s Dream $3.99

App 1.4

Year Walk

Year Walk $5.99

App 2.0

Year Walk Companion

Year Walk Companion FREE!

App 1.3

Bumpy Road

Bumpy Road $2.99

App 1.1