Home » TheCodingMonkeys

Lost Cities Review
Reiner Knizia is no small fish in the world of board games. Titles such as the Lord of the Rings and Ingenious are enjoyed world wide, while Lost Cities, a 2-player 60-card game has even proven to be popular enough to warrant an XBLA remake. Having previously converted Carcassonne to the iOS platform, The Coding Monkeys have taken it upon themselves to restore Lost Cities to its original design, bolstering it with individually scaling AI opponents and multiple asynchronous online games…
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Carcassonne Review
The Coding Monkeys have done an excellent job of transforming the sensational board-game title of Carcassonne to the iPhone. That's jumping the gun on the review, but if you're already a fan of the addictive board-game published by Hans im Glück then that should be all you really need to hear. For everyone else, this is an opportunity you just can't miss. Like many board-games, the space requirements can become utterly daunting to deal with, especially when confronted with a game…
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