Car Mania Review

- A number of game levels, each with different game modes give players a good amount of variety.
- Online leaderboard and achievement tracking via OpenFeint.
- Some nice looking visuals.
- The sound can get a bit annoying.
- The game can be a bit repetitive and some players may lose interest.
If you enjoy games like Harbour Master or Railroad Madness and feel like a change of scenery, then Car Mania may be the way to go. This game is worth the current price.
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Car Mania is a management style game similar to games like Harbour Master or Railroad Madness. You must direct inner city traffic through various paths to each coloured destination. You increase your score by getting cars safely to their destinations and must try to keep the drivers road rage meter down for as long as possible. If this meter fills up then it’s game over.
You control the flow of cars by tapping on a car to select it and then dragging a path along the screen for them to drive along. Players can also speed up the gameplay by using the fast forward button in the top corner. The controls are easy to use, but if you miss an intersection, the cars will just keep driving, often causing accidents shortly after.
The cartoony visuals make navigation somewhat easier due to the bright colour scheme. The sound is good but can get a bit annoying after a while. Fortunately, players can use their iPod during the game and create custom playlists. The game is single player only, but features a number of different game modes each able to access global leaderboards via OpenFeint.
Car Mania is a game that would appeal to fans of the Harbour Master style, quick management games. The game controls well and is very user friendly, but the gameplay can get very repetitive, especially when you need to grind through levels in order to unlock extra modes. But Car Mania is still a solid title that offers players a decent amount of game content and some frantic and addictive gameplay.