Home » Origin8

Sentinel 3: Homeworld Review

Review Origin8 By Andrew Nesvadba, 14 years, 2 months ago
Sentinel 3: Homeworld Review

Sentinel 3: Homeworld by Origin8 is a powerful new entry in to the 'Sentinel' series of tower defense titles and not only does it demonstrate a level of visual polish that's stunning, it shows a cunning amount of gameplay depth as players slowly work their way through a challenging campaign. Homeworld fits in to the classic style of tower defense games, with towers being locked in to fixed positions around the winding paths that the enemy creeps follow. There's a strong focus on minim…

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AirBear Review

Review Origin8 By Dave Flodine, 14 years, 10 months ago
AirBear Review

'How far can you get?' games are quite popular. You can load them up, try and beat your high score and be on your merry way. Airbear by Origin8 Technolgies tries to combine the reach the stars gameplay of games like Doodle Jump, with trampolines. If you're playing through the Homeward Bound mode, there are also puzzle pieces in each area to collect that will unlock the bear's propeller hat. Control takes some time to get used to, and even then it can be frustrating. Trampolines are cr…

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Robot Rampage Review

Review Origin8 By Dave Flodine, 15 years ago
Robot Rampage Review

Rampage was a lot of fun. Choosing a giant lizard, gorilla, or wolfman and destroying cities for no reason kept gamers playing for a very long time. The basic idea has now been revitalized for the iphone, and instead of a giant animal, you're a giant robot! Yes the point of the game is to see how many city blocks you can destroy before the army ends your reign of carnage. You have a few attacks in your arsenal. Tapping and holding on screen fires your eye laser which will be your main…

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Space Station: Frontier Review

Review Origin8 By Dave Flodine, 15 years ago
Space Station: Frontier Review

The tower defense genre has been one of the more popular of the app store, patrly due to the simplicity of its touch controls. Space Station: Frontier takes the simple controls and gameplay of tower defense and adds the base building, expansion, and resource management of the RTS genre. As a mining operation on the outskirts of the solar system, you are attacked by a hostile force, and must defend your operation. If you've played a tower defense game, you know the basics. Drag a tower…

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MonsterKill Review

Review Origin8 By Damian Chiappara, 15 years, 1 month ago
MonsterKill Review

Monster Kill is a tower defence style game where players are matched against a slew of classic movie monsters as they try to smash through a small gate at the base of the level. Players will dispose of the creatures of the night using a number of different magic attacks that are cast using the unique touch screen controls. Players will start off with a basic slash spell to cut monsters in half by drawing a line on the screen. As you progress further, you’ll also unlock new spell…

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Car Mania Review

Review Origin8 By Damian Chiappara, 15 years, 7 months ago
Car Mania Review

Car Mania is a management style game similar to games like Harbour Master or Railroad Madness. You must direct inner city traffic through various paths to each coloured destination. You increase your score by getting cars safely to their destinations and must try to keep the drivers road rage meter down for as long as possible. If this meter fills up then it’s game over. You control the flow of cars by tapping on a car to select it and then dragging a path along the screen for t…

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Sentinel 2: Earth Defense Review

Review Origin8 By Damian Chiappara, 15 years, 7 months ago
Sentinel 2: Earth Defense Review

Sentinel 2 is a tower defence game in which players must stop a large alien force from taking over the planet Earth. Like most tower defence games, players must build and upgrade various attack towers in order to kill off the advancing enemy forces. Like most tower defence games, the controls are pretty straightforward. Players control their tower placement by selecting the type of tower they want to place and drag it onto the map. You can also unleash other powerful attacks, but only…

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Solar Siege

Solar Siege FREE!

App 1.9.3

Future Sense

Future Sense $0.99

App 1.0.0

Sentinel 4: Dark Star

Sentinel 4: Dark Star $0.99

App 2.2.2

Tractor Trails

Tractor Trails FREE!

App 1.0.2

Robot Rampage HD

Robot Rampage HD FREE!

App 1.7.6

Sentinel 3: Homeworld

Sentinel 3: Homeworld $1.99

App 1.0.0

Space Station: Frontier HD

Space Station: Frontier HD $2.99

App 2.0.0


BioSub $0.99

App 1.0.4