Home » Apps with tag 'The Taekwondo Game'

The Taekwondo Game goes free-to-kick-your-ass

News By Peter Willington, 9 years, 5 months ago

Hands-on with The Taekwondo Game, the incredibly promising mobile fighting sim

Feature By Peter Willington, 9 years, 9 months ago
Hands-on with The Taekwondo Game, the incredibly promising mobile fighting sim

When it comes to fighting games, though I will play a brawler on mobile, I always prefer to play on consoles. The Taekwondo Game might be the first title that finally gets fighting controls and character movement totally right on iOS, and is rapidly becoming my most anticipated game on iOS this year. Take a look at a super early hands-on video below for footage of this startlingly polished fighter that's still very much in development.…