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A Steel Media round-up for the week of February 19th

Feature By Christian Valentin, 6 years, 11 months ago
A Steel Media round-up for the week of February 19th

Here’s another weekly round-up of news, previews, and features from Pocket Gamer, 148Apps, and the rest of our sister sites. On our Youtube page, James Gilmour provides his impressions of Alto’s Odyssey, praising its mesmerizing sense of place and aesthetic, the addicting flow of its mechanics, and the engaging evolution of the first game’s design. For Pocket Gamer, Jon Mundy provides a list of worthy titles for the player looking for Metal Gear Solid-style gameplay on the go, if the recent Metal Gear Survive isn’t sating that niche. The long range assassinations of Hitman: Sniper, the camera-hacking sleuthing of Republique, and several others make…

Play with AppSpy: An introduction to Vainglory

News By Jon Jordan, 8 years, 11 months ago

Vainglory's newest hero revealed as the spell casting Celeste

News By Glen Fox, 9 years, 11 months ago

Check out Vainglory's newest hero and technological powerhouse, Ardan

News By Glen Fox, 10 years ago
Check out Vainglory's newest hero and technological powerhouse, Ardan

Ardan is the latest hero to be added to the Vainglory roster and he looks set to offer something a little different for veterans of the visually stunning MOBA. He's all about the technology, is Ardan, with a metal backpack and armour attached to a massive robotic arm that puts even Arnold Schwarzenegger's to shame. Ardan can take a few blows, with most of his abilities based around negating damage for himself and his companions. He also utilises his own energy system known as 'vengeance' which is empty when he begins a fight but both attacking and using abilities smartly recharges it for use. Check out the video below for an in-depth look at Vainglory's latest hero then follow t…

Apple's new 'Gamers' video - featuring Vainglory - gives me The Feels

News By Peter Willington, 10 years, 2 months ago
Apple's new 'Gamers' video - featuring Vainglory - gives me The Feels

There's a brand new ad for the iPhone 6 and iPhone 6 Plus talking about how it's got that fancy new chip in it, and how games will look better than ever on it. It highlights the rather wonderful looking Vainglory, as Jimmy Fallon and Justin Timberlake get ever-deeper into the complexities of the new MOBA's gameplay, for comedic effect. And you know what? It's a very good advert. We do all sometimes get obsessed by the nuances of our games, and I love that mobile gaming has reached a point where they're complex, rich, and detailed enough that people can get obsessed by those nuances, whether it's Vainglory, or The Sailor's Dream, or Clash of Clans, or whatever else it is you love to take wi…