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Urban Trial Freestyle Review
Urban Trial Freestyle is a port of a Playstation game that offers you the chance to try the sport of motorcycle trials. Hopping onto a two-wheeled trickster, you must defy gravity to fly over all manner of outlandish urban areas, and make it to the end of each track. Set across an entire city, UTF is not limited to streets and apartment blocks. You must race over a huge range of obstacles as you cross underground lines, abandoned theme parks, and construction sites. Each setting looks…
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Fantastically frantic dodge’em-up Tilt to Live 2: Redonkulous is currently free on the App Store
We adore developer One Man Left’s tilt based dodge’em-up Tilt to Live 2: Redonkulous. This makes us very happy to report that the game is currently free on the App Store. Tilt to Live 2: Redonkulous is to the twin-stick shooter genre what dodgems are to bumper cars. But, while shifting the action from hitting everything in sight to avoiding it may ruin the fairground attraction, in the palm of your hand it becomes something very special indeed. The responsive tilt based gameplay has you manipulating your device to weave through all manner of dangers in tight arenas. Constantly spawning enemies keep you under pressure as the screen quickly begins to fill with death. Coll…