Home » Articles and Reviews by 'Dave Flodine'

Block Fortress Review

Review Foursaken Media By Dave Flodine, 11 years, 2 months ago
Block Fortress Review

[Editor's Note: I've been playing the game quite seriously since recording the footage and I must say my personal experience mirrors much of what has been said below; the game has a wealth of depth, but scratching more than the surface can be very, very difficult. If the game looks appealing (as it did to me), search out some guides and you'll be lost for hours!] Games like Block Fortress can be quite a challenge to review. Not only does the game have a imposing learning curve to unde…

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Color Sheep Review

Review Trinket Studios By Dave Flodine, 11 years, 2 months ago
Color Sheep Review

In looking at the description of Color Sheep in iTunes, the game is not recommended to those with color blindness. This is indeed a smart recommendation as what we have here is a color matching skill tester disguised as a sheep defending his land from a pack of wolves by firing lasers out of his mouth. It's a good disguise... a wolf in sheep's clothing if you will, but people with color blindness aside, this might only appeal to a certain type of gamer due to the reaction time involved…

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App Wrap Up (Week Ending 22nd March, 2013)

Wrapup By Dave Flodine, 11 years, 2 months ago
App Wrap Up (Week Ending 22nd March, 2013)

Hey hey readers! It's Dave here with another installment of everyone's favourite trailer showcase, the App Wrap Up (just imagine an entire audience yelling those last three words)! I only have literally a couple of games to show off the trailers to today. I guess there wasn't much out there that we haven't already covered. Let that be an invitation to email more submissions to us. You may get your game featured. So let's have a look at these two trailers. Who knows, you may find a new favourite. Let's begin!   Bobbing (LittleBobby) A platformer in a rotating circle with polarity mechanics. Fans of the site should know how much I adore a good platformer, and this looks like it could…

The Legend of Talisman

News By Dave Flodine, 11 years, 3 months ago
The Legend of Talisman

I know, i know... Match-3 game. Have a look at the trailer of this upcoming title though and I think you'll discover an interesting new twist on the genre. The game is set for release on April 12th…

Dropchord Teaser Trailer

News By Dave Flodine, 11 years, 3 months ago
Dropchord Teaser Trailer

So Doublefine, the makers of games such as Psychonauts and Brutal Legend have an iOS game on the way. It's called Dropchord. All we know about it is that it's a rhythm game, and a teaser trailer was just released. And here it is! The trailer just confuses me further honestly, but Doublefine do have a good track record for unique games so we'll have to wait and see when more information is released.…

Le Vamp Review

Review High Voltage Software By Dave Flodine, 11 years, 3 months ago
Le Vamp Review

Oh the woes of being a vampire child. You want to go outside and play... but you're a vampire! In Le Vamp, it's up to you as the player to protect the titular tike as he frolics through the forest, and by frolic, I mean evading capture by an angry mob of villagers, staying nourished on delicious blood pigs, avoiding the sunlight, and not getting hamstrung by all the other nasty things that lurk with-in. It's a harder job than it sounds. Every obstacle has a gesture assigned to it. Fli…

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Mighty Dungeons iOS Port

News By Dave Flodine, 11 years, 3 months ago
Mighty Dungeons iOS Port

When viewing the trailer of Mighty Dungeons, it starts off looking like a generic iOS RPG, the kind we've seen a hundred times before... but then as you start to watch the gameplay, nostalgia struck me. The way the map is laid out, and the way you travel through it reminds me of days spent playing the board game Hero Quest. This alone makes the game worth a play for me, and it should scratch that dungeon crawler itch for other RPG fans as well. The Android version is currently out, and the iOS version should be released soon, but no definitive date as of yet.…

Chopper Mike Releasing this Thursday

News By Dave Flodine, 11 years, 3 months ago
Chopper Mike Releasing this Thursday

Former SEGA Employee who goes by VAMflax is releasing his own game on the iOS this Thursday called Chopper Mike. It's a gem collecting helipcopter obstacle course that looks kind of banal in the trailer until the red sections kick in about halfway through... As long as the controls are tight enough to allow for the manoevering shown in the trailer, this should be quite enjoyable as you weave through the pillars in the shortest time possible.…

Ridiculous Fishing - A Tale of Redemption Review

Review Vlambeer By Dave Flodine, 11 years, 3 months ago
Ridiculous Fishing - A Tale of Redemption Review

Ridiculous Fishing is kind of the iOS gaming equivalent of a super group. It's created by Super Crate Box's Vlambeer, Unify and Bit Pilot's Zach Gage, and Greg Wohlwend of Hundreds fame. Quite a team for a simple little game about fishing, but then Ridiculous Fishing isn't really about fishing, it's about redemption. If that premise sounds a little ridiculous to you, I think that's the point. We've played this type of 2D fishing game before. You cast your line with a tap, and then it…

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App Wrap Up (Week ending 15th March, 2013)

Wrapup By Dave Flodine, 11 years, 3 months ago
App Wrap Up (Week ending 15th March, 2013)

Hey hey readers, and welcome to your favourite regular feature on Appspy, the App Wrap Up! We got a bunch of new trailers for you of games you might have missed but look like they have something interesting to offer. Without further ado, let us begin!   Sling it! (Greg Lobanov) Not only does this game have a delightful collection of sound effects, but it's a novel use of the flinging mechanic. As long as it's easy to switch between moving around the screen and slingshotting the enemies, this could be a lot of fun.[App Store Link]   oOo (mELTINGsKYsTUDIOS) The trailer really doesn't give you a good idea of what the gameplay entails, but it looks relaxing, and I like how it…

Keep rolling, rolling, rolling, rolling

News By Dave Flodine, 11 years, 3 months ago
Keep rolling, rolling, rolling, rolling

There have been a few games that look to take up the mantle of Marble Madness / Super Monkey Ball esque gameplay. With the tilt functionality on the iPhone, you think there'd be a lot more. Ah well, Mazement is releasing on April 4th and has you rolling around, navigating labyrinths, and freeing your brethren. Have a look at the trailer.…

Towelfight 2: The Monocle of Destiny Review

Towelfight 2: The Monocle of Destiny Review

There you are, spending a quiet day with your monocle and your pug, when suddenly a temporal rift opens up, whisking you away to a world where one God is planning on using you to overthrow his rival and thus take control of the land once again. In exchange for your help, he'll send you back home. Towel Fight 2: The Monocle of Destiny doesn't take itself too seriously, which you'd expect of a game where your primary attack is using your enchanted monocle to hurl animals to their doom.…

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Dice game set to get you in a Tizzy

News By Dave Flodine, 11 years, 3 months ago
Dice game set to get you in a Tizzy

Cause the game is called TiZ. It looks to be a match-3 game that has the random element of dice rolls thrown in. With multiplayer as well, this could be an intereting play. Have a look at the trailer. The game drops tomorrow on the 15th.…

Outland Games Review

Review Uber Entertainment, Inc. By Dave Flodine, 11 years, 3 months ago
Outland Games Review

Outland Games is a continuation of the world set up in Uber Entertainment's team based competitive multiplayer frag fest Monday Night Combat. I guess winning that particular game nets you a one way ticket to the outlands as a reward. It's not freedom per say, but another chance at freedom, this time in the form of an endless runner (so no, freedom is an impossibility). How does it stack up in this oversaturated genre? Let's find out. Your character is equipped with a double jump and a…

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Melodive Review

Review GameClub By Dave Flodine, 11 years, 3 months ago
Melodive Review

As the medium matures, discussions about what constitutes a game or not are getting more prominent, as the traditional tropes of win states, lose states, and game mechanics get overshadowed or left behind by narrative and audio/visual experiences. This new balancing of how some games are put together, and what they elicit from their players will continue as more and more games like Melodive are released. There is a high score game hidden in what this title offers, but the mechanics and…

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