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Adventure Game Reviews
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Waking Mars - GameClub
When Tiger Style debuted on the App Store with Spider, it demonstrated their strength as a developer by combining unique gameplay elements, controls designed specifically for a touch-based platform and a fascinating backstory told through found visual elements. After what seems like forever, the stu…
FREE!- GameClub
- Version 2.2.33
- Adventure Games

Primordia iPad Review
By Harry Slater Right, let's get this out of the way as early as possible. Primordia is gorgeous. It's a beautiful mix of design and chunky pixels and it fills my heart with the sort of joy that's usually reserved for a nice sandwich. But the game has the chops to back up its aesthetic swagger. It's a point-and-click adventure with a solid logical heart, a rich stream of humour running through it, and a story that pushes you to find out what happens next. And despite its deep future…
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Afterpulse iPad Review
Afterpulse - A third person multiplayer shooter on iPhone and iPad that's actually good?…
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Brothers: A Tale of Two Sons iPad Review
Starbreeze Studios' Brothers: A Tale of Two Sons was a multi award winning puzzle adventure game across many platforms. But does it fare well on iOS? …
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In the first of our in-depth reviews, Harry from Pocket Gamer takes a look at the recently released mobile port of Final Fantasy VII. But does he like what he sees?…
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This War of Mine iPad Review
This War of Mine is an often harrowing look at the horrors of war from the point of view of a group of survivors. It's a tough play, but Harry from Pocket Gamer thinks it's well worth it.…
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Divide By Sheep iPad Review
Can a sheep survive being cut in half by a laser? It can if Divide By Sheep is to be belived. But does that make for a good game? Harry from Pocket Gamer says so, and he was born in the countryside, so he should know.…
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Heroki iPad Review
What happens when a small boy has a helicopter tragically grafted to his head? According to Heroki, a super-bring gorgeous looking platformer. But is it all glitter and no balls? Yes, according to Harry from Pocket Gamer, although that's a very strange analogy.…
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The Executive iPad Review
Who doesn't want to spend a good few hours punching werewolves, demons, and frogs in the face? No one we care about, that's who. And Harry from Pocket Gamer agrees. Which is why he really likes The Executive.…
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LEGO® Batman: Beyond Gotham iPad Review
Riddle me this, what happens when a Bat runs out of ideas? He invites his friends round and blasts into space, obviously. But is Lego Batman: Beyond Gotham any fun? According to Harry from Pocket Gamer it is, but the series is in need of a serious shake-up.…
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Tales From Deep Space iPad Review
Tales From Deep Space is the latest mobile game from Amazon Game Studios. It's a funny adventure with a drone that's a suitcase and lots of aliens. But is it fun? It's quite fun, yeah. Well, that's what Harry from Pocket Gamer thinks. And he's real tall.…
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Is the latest installment of the Chaos Rings franchise worth your attention? Harry from Pocket Gamer thinks so. Or, he does when it works.…
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Desktop Dungeons iPad Review
What happens when you take a classic, meaty PC roguelike, like for example Desktop Dungeons, and transport it to tablets? According to Harry from Pocket Gamer, good things. Lots of good things.…
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Til Morning's Light iPad Review
You're all alone in a haunted mansion, with just a meat cleaver and a magical phone to keep you company. What do you do? WHAT DO YOU DO!?! Well if you're Harry from Pocket Gamer, and you're playing Til Morning's Light, you bimble around having quite a nice time and thinking about what might have been.…
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Fearless Fantasy iPad Review
What happens when you squodge together a JRPG and a bunch of QTEs? Fearless Fantasy is what happens. But is it any good? Harry from Pocket Gamer certainly thinks so.…
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Legend of Grimrock iPad Review
A dungeon, some torches, a handful of throwing knives. And oh my word there's a giant snail gnawing at my private parts! Where did it all go so wrong? Harry from Pocket Gamer gets in a fight with some mushroom people in this iOS port of the PC classic, and he really enjoys it.…
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