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Simulation Game Reviews
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Sky Gamblers: Storm Raiders
Storm Raiders by Atypical Games and Revo Solutions has been given a huge visual overhaul, giving the Sky Gamblers series exactly what it needed to remain the best in show. Considering previous titles had almost perfected flight simulator gameplay for the iOS platform, pairing the game up with famous…
- Atypical Games
- Version 1.5.10
- Simulation Games

Battle Supremacy: Evolution iPad Review
Battle Supremacy: Evolution, the futuristic vehicle shooter sequel to Battle Supremacy. Is this evolution a success, or a big backwards step?…
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This War of Mine iPad Review
This War of Mine is an often harrowing look at the horrors of war from the point of view of a group of survivors. It's a tough play, but Harry from Pocket Gamer thinks it's well worth it.…
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Does not Commute iPad Review
What's more difficult than driving through rush hour traffic? Driving through temporally shifted rush hour traffic before a clock ticks down. That's the basis of Does not Commute, but is it any good? Harry from Pocket Gamer slips on his driving gloves and takes us for a spin. Or 12 spins and a number of crashes.…
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Frozen Synapse iPad Review
What is a gamer ideally looking for when they're in the market for a strategy game? Are they looking for a lengthy campaign complete with engaging narrative? Are they looking for a robust multiplayer experience with plenty of depth and complexity, or are they just looking for something that's, quote, a little different? Well you're in luck 'fictional gamer created for the sake of this review', because Frozen Synapse has got all those bases covered. Well perhaps not the engaging narrati…
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Solar 2 iPad Review
Situations like this aren't as common as you'd think on the App Store. While there is a somewhat sinister undercurrent of releases that step over the line of 'inspired by' and in to 'theft', being able to play the 'real thing' doesn't always happen; at least not as quickly as this. Solar 2 by Jay Watts (also known as Murudai) is everything I had hoped to see from the recently released 'Tiny Solar'. No prizes for guessing that Solar 2 was the title having its content stolen. Ultimately…
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Splice : Tree of Life iPad Review
Much like Mother Nature, Splice : Tree of Life is unforgiving in its relentless brutality. You’re popped in to a universe almost without any concept of what you’re meant to do and while you can find some help, it won’t do you any good until you can understand it. Cipher Prime Studios capture this vicious elegance in their cell-splicing puzzler and you’ll need to ponder and experiment to make any headway. First and foremost, Splice is a beautifully presented gam…
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Pinball HD iPad Review
Previously available as a series of collectable games with various tables for your iPhone, The Pinball HD brings OOO Gameprom's style of pinball to the iPad as a complete package. Getting started couldn't be easier with the plunger being controlled by a simple touch and drag to launch your ball. The table's flippers are activated by touching either side of the game screen, providing a basic and responsive way to control the game. There's no tutorial available to teach you how to play…
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