Nimblebit reveals the first images of Tiny Tower Vegas

By , on May 1, 2014
Last modified 10 years, 1 month ago

A flurry of tweets yesterday from Nimblebit’s Ian Marsh has revealed that the studio’s next game will be Tiny Tower Vegas.

The images, which were shared yesterday, show a reimagined version of Tiny Tower stuffed full of slot machines and high rollers.

The most exciting addition, however, are the casino inspired mini-games, which look destined to hook in players who like shaking hands with the one-armed bandit.

Tiny Tower Vega's Slots

Nimblebit has already mastered the art of free-to-play with the criminally addictive Tiny Tower and Disco Zoo. We're concerned that adding gambling into the mix could push the compulsion factor to dangerous new levels.   

Hopefully, we will have more news from Nimblebit on the game soon. Until then just remember: what happens in Tiny Tower Vegas stays in Tiny Tower Vegas - unless you share it on Facebook for free coins.

Tiny Tower BitBook

Tiny Tower Donnald