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Leaping Legend Review
Any platforming fan will gladly talk endlessly about the virtues of the wall jump. Given its consistant use in both 2D and 3D platforming games - and its inherent awesomeness - it wasn't going to be too long before someone had the bright idea to build an endless-runner around the concept. Enter Leaping Legend. A princess has been kidnapped and held in a tower, and as per usual, it is up to an intrepid adventurer to save her. Little do both parties know that this tower never ends. The…
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Lumber Jacked Review
That sense of deja vu you're feeling isn't surprising - we've seen this kind of skill-based platformer before, complete with its star-rating system based off completing the stage; collecting its bonus item; and crossing the finish line before a preset limit. Lumber Jacked is, in many ways (including its controls) very much the same game, but there is at least a twist. For one, it's decidedly harder to complete the three-star requirements as you need to complete all three requirements…
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1001 Attempts Review
I know what you're all thinking, and no, I don't have an answer to what happens when you've hit one thousand and one attempts at 1001 Attempts. Even with the amount of restarts, our time spent with the game was nowhere near that amount. It probably is only an answer for the most dedicated players... or more likely, perhaps it's just a catchy name for a 'how long can you last?' style arcade game. You control a little purple... thing, and your goal is to avoid death while trapped in thi…
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Mad Cows Review
So we've had Angry Birds, now we have Mad Cows. What's next? Perturbed Kangaroos? Confused Marmosets? Well let's stop giving designers ideas and delve into a pretty blatant Angry Birds clone. Oh yes there are some differences, including the addition of a multiplayer component, but this is the type of game you've seen and played many times before. You have six animals to choose from. Each have their own levels, and each have a special ability. It's interesting because instead of having…
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Free 2 Die Review
At what point does homage become a rip off? Fans of the multiplayer zombie shooter Left 4 Dead might see more than a few resemblances in Everplay Interactive's Left2Die, from the name itself, to the ideas behind the special zombies. Aside from that though it plays a lot more like Alive 4 Ever, yet in copying the design of that game, has failed to latch on to what makes a fun twin-stick shooter zombie survival experience (hmm, that might just be another genre name in the making here).…
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Pinch Peeps Review
Simple can often mean better, especially with the iPhone's unique strengths when it comes to control schemes. Pinch Peeps is not what we would call a puzzle game, but more a hand-eye coordination tool for younger gamers, where the goal is to use your thumb and finger to pair up cute and colorful creatures for your place on the high score leaderboards. There are two game modes available; timed, and endless. In timed mode the goal is to create as many pairs as fast as possible to stay t…
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Spell Sword Review
Arena platformers in the vein of games like Super Crate Box haven't been explored too extensively - sure, you can find pretenders to the throne, but there's only so much you can do with randomized weapons and raging enemies. Spellsword seeks to break from this mold, eschewing ranged weapons and mindlessly falling enemies to try something new. For the most-part, your attacks are completely melee based, placing you face-to-face with the variety of enemies that fly, bounce, drop, roll, e…
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