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Angry Birds Fight! iPad Review

Review Rovio Entertainment Oyj By Harry Slater, 9 years, 8 months ago
Angry Birds Fight! iPad Review

Rovio has taken a stab at wrapping its Angry Birds franchise around another franchise. This time it's a match-3 RPG puzzler. But is it any good? Glen from Pocket Gamer thinks it's a bit meh, and Harry read out his words in a suitably disdainful drawl.…

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Angry Birds Stella Review

Review Rovio Entertainment Oyj By James Gilmour, 10 years, 5 months ago
Angry Birds Stella Review

So here we are again. Rovio has released the latest spin on its ever popular Angry Birds franchise. This time, however, the ladies are the stars of the show, with pink bird Stella taking the starring role in a new all-female cast. As Pocket Gamer's Harry Slater discovers, though, nothing much has changed beneath the game's frosted veneer. This is still Angry Birds, albeit with no dudes and added wait timers.  Is this a feminist triumph? Or is this a slightly patronising spin-off…

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Angry Birds Epic Review

Review Rovio Entertainment Oyj By Alex Beech, 10 years, 8 months ago
Angry Birds Epic Review

At this point the Angry Birds are more than just feathery projectiles in a physics puzzler. They have become icons that can leap into any medium they choose. Like Mario before them, their first step was into the world of kart racing, and now they have progressed to a strategy RPG with the turn-based Angry Birds Epic. To keep things easy for genre first-timers, Epic does away with exploration of similar titles. Instead it adopts a map that will be familiar to free-to-play fans, with fi…

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Angry Birds Star Wars II Review

Review Rovio Entertainment Oyj By James Gilmour, 11 years, 5 months ago
Angry Birds Star Wars II Review

You like Star Wars, right? Well, you did before they did those three rubbish films. Maybe the new one will be good. I hear the Star Trek bloke's doing it. He knows about... stars... And Angry Birds! You like Angry Birds, right? With the flinging and the smashing and that pause before the level ends when you're waiting for everything to stop moving. Yes, you guessed it: The birds are back and the force is with them once again. Angry Birds Star Wars II delivers another instalment of b…

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Angry Birds Star Wars Review

Review Rovio Entertainment Oyj By Andrew Nesvadba, 12 years, 2 months ago
Angry Birds Star Wars Review

I rarely say this, but every now and then a developer actually 'gets it'. 'Gets what' you say? They get tie-in products, which is all the more strange for Angry Birds Star Wars not only being a mash-up of two very popular franchises, but the game isn't even new - it's an add on. Yet still, here I sit playing the game, gaze firmly fixed on my targets as I attempt to solve yet another tricky puzzle.Over the years this sort of puzzle design is what Angry Birds has come to specialize in an…

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Bad Piggies Review

Review Rovio Entertainment Oyj By Andrew Nesvadba, 12 years, 4 months ago
Bad Piggies Review

You'd be forgiven for thinking Rovio spent too long resting on their laurels after Angry Birds, opting to drive the franchise instead of seeking new horizons. Thankfully Amazing Alex found its way out of the studio (albeit as a re-branding of an existing game) and it was clear the studio was ready to try something new. Note, not 'different' - one can't claim that Bad Piggies breaks away from the physics-puzzle-and-three-star formula we've come to know so well, but it's most definitely…

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Amazing Alex Review

Review Rovio Entertainment Oyj By Andrew Nesvadba, 12 years, 7 months ago
Amazing Alex Review

If you're not already aware of it, this isn't the first time we've seen Amazing Alex on the App Store. Those who owned an iPad around mid last year should be aware of Casey's Contraptions (CC) by Snappy Touch and Mystery Coconut - its Rube Goldberg inspired physics gameplay wasn't new, but it was seriously addictive. The game was subsequently bought out by Rovio, of Angry Birds fame, touched up, and now we have Amazing Alex for the iPhone and iPad. In this iteration you play as Alex,…

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Angry Birds Space Review

Review Rovio Entertainment Oyj By Andrew Nesvadba, 12 years, 10 months ago
Angry Birds Space Review

If any game on the App Store deserves a true sequel, it's Angry Birds. Rovio Mobile's classic hit still shapes the way in which developers approach making games for iOS device owners and while some of that success is owed to marketing, it's hard to argue against the game's approachable and addictive design. Now, after many half-steps, Angry Birds Space is the first title in the series to move the game forward, giving fans of the series something they can truly sink their teeth in to.…

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Angry Birds Seasons Review

Review Rovio Entertainment Oyj By Andrew Nesvadba, 14 years, 3 months ago
Angry Birds Seasons Review

It's hard to argue against the popularity of a game like Angry Birds and with 195 levels to master it's a heck of a great purchase. However it seems odd that the Halloween special edition has been released separately and for the same price as the original you get less content with no real change to the formula. If you're already addicted to Angry Birds then you'll hardly need an introduction to the physics-based gameplay, however if you're one of the few iDevice owners that still hasn…

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Angry Birds Review

Review Rovio Entertainment Oyj By Andrew Nesvadba, 15 years, 2 months ago
Angry Birds Review

Angry Birds is the kind of physics sim come castle demolisher that follows on from games like Crush the Castle. Clickgamer.com may not have evolved the game too much, but smashing the defenses of your sworn enemy can be fun even if things do require a bit too much trial and error. Birds are launched at your foes via a slingshot you control simply through drag gestures. You can scroll the screen via dragging, but this is most useful after your first shot to follow the line of trajector…

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Red's First Flight

Red's First Flight $0.99

App 1.3.1

Moomin: Puzzle & Design

Moomin: Puzzle & Design FREE!

App 3.1.1

Angry Birds Reloaded

Angry Birds Reloaded FREE!

App 3.7

Supernatural City: Match 3

Supernatural City: Match 3 FREE!

App 0.9.0

Darkfire Heroes

Darkfire Heroes FREE!

App 1.28.2