Home » Crescent Moon Games

Demonrock: War of Ages Review

Review Crescent Moon Games By Alex Beech, 10 years, 11 months ago
Demonrock: War of Ages Review

On its surface Demonrock: War of Ages's isometric fantasy combat seems to ape classic dungeon crawlers like Diablo. Delve a little deeper, however, and you'll soon realise that this reverse tower defense game is far less broad in its scope. You are given a choice of four fighters. Two of these characters are unlocked, with the others available though IAP. Choosing which character to start with dramatically affects your experience – so making this initial selection esse…

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Optical Inquisitor 17+ Review

Review Crescent Moon Games By James Gilmour, 11 years, 3 months ago
Optical Inquisitor 17+ Review

If you're a fan of picking off crudely-drawn targets a long distances, then you may have played stickman sniper game Clear Vision. We're guessing the creator of Optical Inquisitor has, as the it borrows the look, concept, and violent death scenarios from the 2012 shooter. In fairness, it's not a lack of originality which makes Optical Inquisitor a dodgy game. After all, Clear Vision itself was paying tribute to a long line of ultraviolent flash games. No, what makes Optical Inqui…

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Mimpi Review

Review Crescent Moon Games By Dave Flodine, 11 years, 3 months ago
Mimpi Review

Mimpi is a game for anyone who has ever wondered what's going on inside their dog's mind when its asleep. The answer, according to this arty puzzle platformer, is that man's best friend is exploring bizarre abstract environments, manipulating clouds, and chatting with Chihuahua headed mermaids. You control Mimpi using the arrows on screen. The movement and jump animations are a little stiff, but luckily, precision platforming is not what the majority of the game is about. Instead, th…

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Dig! Review

Review Crescent Moon Games By Dave Flodine, 11 years, 9 months ago
Dig! Review

What recourse does a failed archaeologist have when the museum funding him is hurting for business? Well as a last ditch effort (get it?), he might try and set up a dig site in his backyard, excavating the wonders of the Earth to be put on display, and the further he digs, the more valuable treasures he hopes to find. Dig is an arcade game where your shovel must excavate seventy five percent of the plot of land you have, hopefully discovering the five treasures hidden there before mov…

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Mighty Dungeons Review

Review Crescent Moon Games By Andrew Nesvadba, 11 years, 10 months ago
Mighty Dungeons Review

[Editor's Note: The developer has said they're interested in fleshing out the combat by adding in 'hit zones' (head, arms, torso, etc.) with each one affecting the monster in different ways. By making this an option players can switch on for their character, there's the potential for at least some level of depth as you weigh up the pros and cons of hitting a weak-spot and potentially missing.] We're not going to begrudge the Android platform and its initially exclusive titles - not wh…

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Knitted Deer Review

Review Crescent Moon Games By Andrew Nesvadba, 11 years, 11 months ago
Knitted Deer Review

Knitted Deer was the mini-review for the Friday News Wrap-Up for March 8th, 2013. Being visually distinct is not the same as having a good game idea - while you may stand out from the crowd in a literal sense, without the gameplay to back it up you're just a pretty, but shallow time waster. Knitted Deer by Mandragora fits in to this category, and though its ideas are sound, in execution the player is left feeling frustrated time and time again. Ostensibly the game emulates the earlie…

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Relic Rush Review

Relic Rush Review

Does anyone remember that game This Could Hurt? It used a simple touch mechanic to stop the player character in his tracks as you made your way through a deadly trap-laden obstacle course. Relic Rush revisits this concept, albeit in a low-fi pixel form. It also has the aura of adventure! Yes, you not only rush to get these relics, but the journey should result in a rush as well. That was at least the intention I'm guessing. Each level consists of eight rooms that have to be traveled t…

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Zen Training Review

Review Crescent Moon Games By Dave Flodine, 12 years, 1 month ago
Zen Training Review

One of the ways to think about zen is that it is the path towards enlightenment. It is training your mind to relax and be at peace. Anyone who meditates or has unsuccessfully tried to meditate will know how difficult shutting your brain off can be. That's why it's been so interesting to see games capitalize on this concept. In the news post for this game on our site, I mentioned Tetris as a game you can play without any brain power whatsoever. In fact, games like Tetris, Zen Bound, Pat…

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Ravensword: Shadowlands Review

Review Crescent Moon Games By Andrew Nesvadba, 12 years, 1 month ago
Ravensword: Shadowlands Review

Sometimes I wonder, "Do I expect too much of games on my mobile phone?". It's a valid question as the platform is undoubtedly a novel one and prone to requiring many shortcuts to make traditional genres succeed. Whether it's something as obvious as the control issues inherent to the touch screen, or something less consider like trying to pack in as much action between text messages and phone calls, a developer's job is not an easy one. However, no matter where you fall on the issue, on…

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Topia World Builder Review

Review Crescent Moon Games By Andrew Nesvadba, 12 years, 4 months ago
Topia World Builder Review

[This title was featured as the Mini Review for the Friday News Wrap-Up for the 12th of October, 2012] This isn't so much a game as it is an open-ended toy of sorts. Topia World Builder is a risky release from Crescent Moon Games and Solid 60, but there's method behind the madness. With news of the game appearing around the same time as From Dust on the XBLA, it touted some impressive features, many of which have been realized in this current version. Although mostly a free-play tit…

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JAM: Jets Aliens Missiles Review

Review Crescent Moon Games By Dave Flodine, 12 years, 4 months ago
JAM: Jets Aliens Missiles Review

There are some genres that are pretty difficult to adjust an iPhone control scheme to, and one of these is the shoot'em-up and its sibling, the side scrolling shooter (maybe we should call these triple S games). The biggest challenges are moving your craft without your finger obscuring vision, and how to tackle the design of shooting enemies from your craft. Now there are many entries in the App Store that have solved these problems adequately enough to create an enjoyable experience,…

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Slingshot Racing Review

Review Crescent Moon Games By Andrew Nesvadba, 12 years, 9 months ago
Slingshot Racing Review

Touchscreens offer a unique opportunity for a developer to think outside the box to come up with something unique and interesting, but those that stray too far away may find themselves addressing a niche audience. Snowbolt Interactive and Crescent Moon Games strike a happy balance between innovation and reimagination by creating an elegant top-down racer that requires little more than a tap to play. Each track is made of ice and your 'racer' is more akin to a sled. As such it has no m…

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Kids vs Goblins Review

Review Crescent Moon Games By Andrew Nesvadba, 12 years, 11 months ago
Kids vs Goblins Review

A recent commenter on our videos pointed out that often a game falls under the category of evolution and not revolution - put another more personal context, while new and unique games are praise-worthy, there's no reason why a game can't take something we know and build upon it. Kids vs Goblins by Stolen Couch Games and Crescent Moon Games does just this, giving the Battleheart formula a story-driven tweaking. This isn't the first time the publisher has pushed something like this thro…

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Raid Leader Review

Raid Leader Review

I'm not ashamed to admit that I have dedicated a large portion of my life to World of Warcraft by Blizzard - it's not in my life right now (though I expect I'll enjoy their upcoming expansion briefly), but at one time I was a raid leader for a high level guild. This isn't boasting, but rather a way of saying that when Raid Leader by Red Zebra and Crescent Moon Games dropped on the App Store, I had a lot of experience to draw on... and let me tell you, it helped a lot. You see, much li…

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Evertales Review

Review Crescent Moon Games By Andrew Nesvadba, 13 years, 3 months ago
Evertales Review

Evertales by Crescent Moon Games and Thunder Game Works sounds like the perfect storm of experience developer, experienced publisher and a great concept as the two companies seek to bring a Trine-like experience to the App Store. However, much of the game can be characterized by a pervading sense that everything has been cut short just before anything interesting happens, making it tease of a relatively short game. Each of the game's six worlds are split in to two stages, ended firstl…

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