Home » Bulkypix

Beyond Space Review

Review Bulkypix By Alex Beech, 10 years, 7 months ago
Beyond Space Review

The game which Beyond Space wants to be and the game which Beyond Space actually is are two entities light years apart. Developer Bulkypix clearly intended to make an expansive space drama filled with intergalactic and interpersonal conflict. What they actually made was a good space shooter, weighed down by an overly verbose story and horrible voice acting. Max Walker, the star of Space Beyond, is an unfortunate soul. Despite being a talented fighter pilot, he is the ugliest man…

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Joe Dever's Lone Wolf Review

Review Bulkypix By James Gilmour, 10 years, 11 months ago
Joe Dever's Lone Wolf Review

Gamebooks may be a niche market, but it is amazing how many people have fond memories of them. Relying on people's nostalgia for the '80s has worked for many gamebook publishers, and now Joe Dever, author of the infamous Lone Wolf series has thrown his hat into the fray with a new four part saga. With the release of Steve Jackson's excellent Sorcery! earlier this year, however, Lone Wolf has its work cut out for it. It's an interesting take on the genre, but one which creates as many p…

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Meltdown© Review

Review Bulkypix By Dave Flodine, 10 years, 11 months ago
Meltdown© Review

Sometimes, you need a break from the puzzles, the physics contraptions - even a good narrative. Sometimes, you just want to shoot things. Meltdown certainly excels in this area. It harbours thirty missions of randomly generated terrain and enemies, which give you access to a whole host of class and weapon upgrades. Plus - and here's the real draw - up to four players can jump in on the carnage at any given time. As a result, Meltdown is as pure a cooperative shooting experience as one…

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T.E.C 3001 Review

Review Bulkypix By Dave Flodine, 11 years ago
T.E.C 3001 Review

No one can accuse T.E.C. 3001 of being ugly. As your robot runs through a virtual reality world collecting batteries for the benefit of humanity, the two-tone colour pallettes can't help but bring to mind nostalgic memories of '80s video games and Tron. Pretty visuals aside, though, you'd be forgiven for thinking that this is another run of the mill endless runner. In fact, though it does have endless mode, the heart of the game is its varied campaign challenges. There's your standar…

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Dead Effect Review

Review Bulkypix By Dave Flodine, 11 years, 1 month ago
Dead Effect Review

Out in the cold depths of space, the hibernation pods open on the ESS Meridian. Groggy and confused, you make your way out to find that the ship is under attack from a virus that has turned the crew in flesh eating monsters. Having brought the communication systems online, you receive guidance from an eccentric doctor as you explore the vessel, and try to find out what the hell has happened. We're not the only ones getting a System Shock 2 vibe here right? Dead Effect is a pretty sta…

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Link The Slug Review

Review Bulkypix By Dave Flodine, 11 years, 1 month ago
Link The Slug Review

The slugs in Link the Slug are the result of an experiment gone horribly wrong. And, as science is blame for these colourful abominations, it's science's job to clean up the mess. To do this, you need to use the power of electricity. Tap two slugs of the same colour and a bolt of electricity will zap between them, eradicating the slugs from existence. Each stage is complete when all slugs have been zapped from the screen. The trick is to clear the screen in such a way that your electr…

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Quell Memento Review

Review Bulkypix By Dave Flodine, 11 years, 5 months ago
Quell Memento Review

It's worth noting that, sometimes, all it takes to create a more poignant gaming experience is attention to presentation and transition. We're not talking about the actual visuals and soundscape of a game, but what lies in-between. In Quell Memento, you explore the memories of the last occupant of a house based on the remnants of what they've left behind. As you wipe the dust from pictures, you peer closer at glass puzzles that hold special significance. In solving the puzzles therein…

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Ark of Sinners Advance Review

Review Bulkypix By Andrew Nesvadba, 11 years, 6 months ago
Ark of Sinners Advance Review

Those who travel in the RPG circles may be familiar with the Anima: Beyond Fantasy game system, but for those who aren't it's set in a strange hybrid fantasy world that has both futuristic and medieval elements to it. The latest release from Bulkypix is set within this dark and Gothic universe, and while Ark of Sinners has high aspirations in its Metroid/vania like gameplay, it falls desperately short of the mark. Most of the blame can be directed towards the game's flabby controls -…

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Penumbear Review

Review Bulkypix By Andrew Nesvadba, 11 years, 8 months ago
Penumbear Review

Penumbear by Taco Graveyard and Bulkypix doesn't pull any punches. All too often the App Store finds itself burdened with titles that evoke the likeness of games we know and love, but so few go as far as to understand what made them great and come up with something entirely new in the process. With nothing more than the ability to run back and forth, jump, and activate various switches in the world, you'll need to solve a complex series of stages that beg you to scratch a little deepe…

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Undead Soccer Review

Review Bulkypix By Dave Flodine, 11 years, 8 months ago
Undead Soccer Review

Late last year, The Bowling Dead was released, a novel take on the over-saturated zombie genre that had you flinging bowling balls at zombies. To be honest, we didn't foresee that other sports might also lend themselves to killing the undead, so the release of Undead Soccer kind of caught us by surprise. You flick soccer balls at zombies before they can reach you and munch your face off. A simple, and somewhat engaging premise, but like so many games on the iOS platform these days, a h…

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Little Amazon Review

Review Bulkypix By Dave Flodine, 11 years, 9 months ago
Little Amazon Review

We come back to this time and time again, but if you design your game towards encouraging people to spend money on In-App Purchases, it should at most be a gentle nudge, and you should most definitely not have your entire game feel like a hampered grind. Little Amazon sadly falls in this latter category. Lily is trying not only to flee the clutches of the evil demon Gruul, but is trying to save the entire kingdom by running faster than she's ever run before. In a neat addition, the sto…

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SpinCraft Review

Review Bulkypix By Dave Flodine, 11 years, 11 months ago
SpinCraft Review

Pyp has one more chance to be a successful galactic pizza boy, otherwise he's out of a job and out of luck. Grab your spinny pizza delivery spin thingy, and get ready for some 3D platforming and gem collection. Ladies and gentlemen, I present to you... Spincraft. Now is the game worthy of such a grand introduction? Is any game really? Not by a long shot! This doesn't mean that Spincraft is a bad game though. Unpolished may be a better turn of phrase. Each level has you picking up thre…

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Sugar Kid Review

Review Bulkypix By Andrew Nesvadba, 12 years ago
Sugar Kid Review

Cute protagonist? Check. Three-star system to unlock content? Check. Physics-based gameplay system? Triple check. It’s almost a recipe for mundanity by now, but A Crowd of Monsters and Bulkypix have taken the best aspects of these games, paired it with perhaps the most disturbing penalty system I’ve seen in a while and packaged it with quickly unlocking content that scales to your skill level with uncanny precision. This is Sugar Kid, and I don’t think I’ll be…

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Saving Private Sheep 2 Review

Review Bulkypix By Dave Flodine, 12 years, 5 months ago
Saving Private Sheep 2 Review

Wolves eat sheep. Everybody knows this, but did you know that a well placed porcupine will cause a wolf to cough that sheep right back up no worse for wear? A sheepish general observed by luck this phenomenon and now armed with this knowledge, a platoon of sheep soldiers, slingshots, and a load of porcupines dedicated to the cause, it's time to wage war on the wolves and rescue as many wooly brethren as possible. In the vein of Angry Birds and the countless other games in the physics…

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Lightopus Review

Review Bulkypix By Dave Flodine, 12 years, 7 months ago
Lightopus Review

Games that are set under the sea usually have a relaxing tone attached to them. There's just something about gliding below the ocean blue. The Little Mermaid must have been onto something. In Lightopus, not only are you gliding around in a visual aquatic wonderland, but there's a more pressing purpose to propel you to action. Your babies, and your entire species is under attack! Each level has you floating around what can only be described as a small pocket of ocean. You are confined…

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