Home » Juicy Beast Studio LTD.

Knightmare Tower Review
All too often in iOS games, progression feels like a chore. Knightmare Tower reminds us that you can have a quick-play experience with an upgrade tree that's not only enjoyable, but lets you advance by diving sword-first onto the heads of spiky blobs and dragons. You contriol a rocket propelled knight who must ascend a tower to rescue a series of captured princesses because videogames. Unfortunately, the tower to which these lovely ladies have been taken is as tall as it is perilous.…
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It's unfortunate that most game developers with a modicum of success will inevitably have to deal with a 'clone' of their game idea. Thankfully the best way to combat the problem is to prove that the original is still the best and GOBTRON by Juicy Beast Studio does just that, brushing aside the would-be usurpers to the throne. Unless you've lost sight of that inner-child, gross-out humor will always remain a little bit amusing, even if it only manages to pull out a tiny smirk in the c…
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