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Bad Piggies's Rope Copter vs A knight in a tuxedo - who's top of the Everyplay video top 5? [Sponsored]
Everything is about sharing nowadays. Whether we're expressing ourselves in 140 characters on Twitter or posting pictures of our cats on Facebook, we always seem to be searching for new ways to share our day-to-day experiences. But what about sharing your gaming glory? Unless you shell out hundreds of pounds on recording software, how will the rest of the world learn of your record-breaking speedrun or awe-inspiring killstreak? This is your moment Everyplay is an app which lets you share and watch replays from over 150 mobile games. It lets you record and share your more awesome gaming moments on Facebook, Twitter, and YouTube. It also lets you share your video with Everyplay's own onli…
Falling off your Bike Baron vs Flying Bad Piggies - who's top of the Everyplay video top 5? [Sponsored]
Everything is about sharing nowadays. Whether we're expressing ourselves in 140 characters on Twitter or posting pictures of our cats on Facebook, we always seem to be searching for new ways to share our day-to-day experiences. But what about sharing your gaming glory? Unless you shell out hundreds of pounds on recording software, how will the rest of the world learn of your record-breaking speedrun or awe-inspiring killstreak? This is your moment Everyplay is an app which lets you share and watch replays from over 150 mobile games. It lets you record and share your more awesome gaming moments on Facebook, Twitter, and YouTube. It also lets you share your video with Everyplay's own onli…
Sponsored Feature: Top 5 Everyplay videos of the week - Volume 2
Everything is about sharing nowadays. Whether we're expressing ourselves in 140 characters on Twitter or posting pictures of our cats on Facebook, we always seem to be searching for new ways to share our day-to-day experiences. But what about sharing your gaming glory? Unless you shell-out hundreds of pounds on recording software, how will the rest of the world learn of your record-breaking speedrun or awe-inspiring killstreak? This is your moment Everyplay is an app which lets you share and watch replays from over 150 mobile games. It lets you record and share your more awesome gaming moments on Facebook, Twitter, and YouTube. It also lets you share your video with Everyplay's own onli…
Sponsored Feature: Like A Crocodile Games Studio on Tapforss for iPhone and iPad
The App Store has given rise to a whole new generation of indie developers. But, with the increasing popularity of indie games, it has become unclear as to what the term ‘indie’ actually means. We spoke to Janos Filip, the founder of Like A Crocodile Games Studio, who claims to have created “A True Indie Title” called Tapforss. Filip explains the premise of this game in simple terms... In Tapforss, you control “a curious-looking crystal sphere, which you must navigate through mysterious caverns overcoming obstacles along the way". “It is a challenge of both your precision and wit, as many of the tasks need thought as well as action," Filip adds. "Th…

Fluxx Review
To understand Fluxx by Playdek and Looney Labs you have to understand 'madness' itself. If you reach back to the days of your youth, there are undoubtedly examples of play time with friends where 'playing' was all that mattered - rules existed in a basic sense, but they were ever-changing and evolving, almost at random. Fluxx embodies this free-spirited insanity to create a card game that is never the same game each time you play it; in fact it's entirely different from round to round,…
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Modern Combat 4: Zero Hour Review
Gameloft's Modern Combat series has gone from strength to strength and the fourth title, Zero Hour, steps things up once again. Unfortunately there are also strangely archaic hold-overs being dragged in its wake, preventing the big-console inspired game from being an all-time classic. The hold-over I speak of is the AI. By now fans of the series have come to appreciate, and maybe even love the way Gameloft have pitched their controls, giving players access to tight, action-packed leve…
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Pong®World Review
There's a small backstory to Pong World by Atari and zGames. To celebrate the game's 40h anniversary, Atari sought out Indie developers to update the classic arcade game, and the end result is a fantastic concept that gives the game a shufflepuck-like spin by giving the player direct control over the action. However a great idea can only take you so far when it's smothered by a relentless freemium model of almost endless monotonous gameplay, and design decisions that hamper the gamepl…
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Sky Gamblers: Storm Raiders Review
Storm Raiders by Atypical Games and Revo Solutions has been given a huge visual overhaul, giving the Sky Gamblers series exactly what it needed to remain the best in show. Considering previous titles had almost perfected flight simulator gameplay for the iOS platform, pairing the game up with famous locations, rendered in gorgeous detail and polished with high resolution textures makes this a must-have all on is own. However, leaving the review there would skip over important details,…
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Heroes of Order & Chaos - Multiplayer Online Game Review
For those that enjoy MOBAs (Multiplayer Online Battle Arenas), the idea of being able to play a portable version of a game they may have loved for years is something equally beautiful and terrible to think about. On one hand the sheer complexity inherent in a genre with such a diverse amount of heroes and items (and the combinations there of) can be mind-boggling; a truly difficult thing to replicate on a touch-based mobile gaming device. On the other hand, Action-RPGs have proven the…
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Need for Speed™ Most Wanted Review
If Electronic Arts is demonstrating anything with Need for Speed Most Wanted for the iOS platform, it's an interest in stripping back their racers to the core experience. For some this may be an absolute boon - mobile platforms are often used in short bursts, so things like a story and too many fiddly customizations are simply a distraction compared to the main feast of burning rubber down city and country roads alike. Unfortunately Most Wanted goes even further than that and instead…
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N.Y.Zombies 2 Review
N.Y.Zombies 2 by Foursaken Media is the sort of game that makes you glad that a developer is willing to listen to their fans. Building upon the original in just about every way, it's still a flawed experience, but one that manages to exploit the mixed state of realism and fantasy. No lengthy story set up is needed - zombies are here and you need to survive. What follows is a series of missions that follow a fairly basic story filled with protecting survivors and attempting to escape t…
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Carmageddon Review
When you have cars, a race-track and checkpoints, your first assumption is generally that the game you're playing is a racer. If we were to forget about Carmageddon's colorful history, you'd likely approach the game like any other, but you'd be playing it wrong. See, it's not that you can't race to the finish line, but rather that it's not the most profitable, be it for your in-game piggy bank or for your more intangible emotional piggy bank. Some days you just want to tear something a…
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The waves keep crashing against the beach; the sun keeps rising; and the moon’s orbit slowly decays to an eventual stop; such are the many natural things we can can count on to happen every day, including Electronic Arts’ inevitable update to the FIFA franchise. If you detect a slightly sour bitterness on the palette, don’t worry, it’s just a sore point borne of the cyclical nature of the game industry. There is, however, a benefit to this kind of repet…
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Spectromancer Review
[This game was featured as the mini-review for the Friday News Wrap-Up for the 21st of September, 2012] If you’ve played Hothead’s ‘Kard Combat’ then you’ll know what you’re in for with Three Donkeys’ iPhone and iPad title ‘Spectromancer’. Players are handed a ‘deck’ comprised of an infinite amount of various cards, each requiring a certain amount of ‘mana’ to cast. Each turn you’ll earn a base amount…
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In only three short months STREET FIGHTER X TEKKEN (SFxTK) has undergone a transition from its true home on Consoles and PCs to the mobile platform. Fighter fans may take exception to my wording there, but fear not, Street Fighter on iOS has (to date) been adapted almost perfectly for touch-screen devices. SFxTK is no exception to this and indeed it places even more emphasis on its ‘versus’ modes than ever before - sure you can enjoy the game single-player, but if you have…
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