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Jet Set Radio Review

Review SEGA By Andrew Nesvadba, 12 years, 2 months ago
Jet Set Radio Review

Some games stick in your mind, not because they were particularly fun to play, but because it managed to grab you through its artistic expression. Strangely this isn't an uncommon thing, especially amongst games in the Indie scene, but Jet Set Radio is far from a small title and despite its age there's still something almost unquantifiable about its appeal. However, porting over a title comes with risks and challenges, especially when talking about the iOS platform and while much of t…

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N.Y.Zombies 2 Review

Review Foursaken Media By Andrew Nesvadba, 12 years, 3 months ago
N.Y.Zombies 2 Review

N.Y.Zombies 2 by Foursaken Media is the sort of game that makes you glad that a developer is willing to listen to their fans. Building upon the original in just about every way, it's still a flawed experience, but one that manages to exploit the mixed state of realism and fantasy. No lengthy story set up is needed - zombies are here and you need to survive. What follows is a series of missions that follow a fairly basic story filled with protecting survivors and attempting to escape t…

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Lili™ Review

Review BitMonster, Inc. By Andrew Nesvadba, 12 years, 4 months ago
Lili™ Review

If you’re one of the handful of people who If you’re one of the handful of people who missed out on hearing about Lili by BitMonster, then you’re in for a treat. There was absolutely no question of how beautiful this game was going to be as it not only sports the Unreal Engine, but those who made it are ex-Epic and quite familiar with how to use it. However, what really counts isn’t the presentation, but how it interacts with the gameplay - and on this score the…

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Button Brigade iPad Review

Review Axis Sivitz By Andrew Nesvadba, 12 years, 6 months ago
Button Brigade iPad Review

In an action adventure game, coming across buttons to open up doorways and other passages to make your way around the stage is a regular occurrence. But what of these poor buttons? What do they think of their throw-away existence? Button Brigade answers that question, if only as a side note, thanks to a mechanical snake and a whole host of buttons that can manipulate the laboratory you're trapped in. By tapping on the screen you can achieve one of two things, either moving your 'snake…

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Rocket Fox Review

Rocket Fox Review

Sometimes a game can fail to come together, even if most of its individual parts aren't particularly lacking in polish, due to one critical feature failing to deliver. Despite the cute premise, presentation and fun gameplay ideas in Rocket Fox by Namco Bandai, the controls fall horribly short of what the game deserves. As the cute foxy protagonist 'Guy' you must set alight all of the rocket-flowers by bouncing on them. Each flower has a different effect, ranging from bouncing you high…

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rComplex Review

Review Interwave Studios B.V. By Andrew Nesvadba, 12 years, 11 months ago
rComplex Review

The App Store isn't hurting for variety in its gameplay. While some gamers bemoan the inevitable slew of titles that ride the coat-tails of a successful franchise, the upshot is a refinement of the gameplay in to something resembling a genre. As such there are often minimum expectations for such games, especially when so many have tried and failed already, making large missteps hard to forgive. rComplex by Interwave Studios has sadly fallen in to this situation and while its unbelieva…

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Tweet Land Review

Tweet Land Review

When someone tells me about a game that features 'randomly generated' gameplay elements, I can't help but cringe as it's either not as 'random' as the person suggests, or said randomness gets in the way of an otherwise decent title. Sadly Tweet Land by Why Ideas and Tree Interactive falls in to the second category and while the idea of having 'The Internet' influence your game may sound great, it invariably results in an inconsistent experience. Your task involves nothing more than ta…

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Run Roo Run Review

Review 5TH Cell By Andrew Nesvadba, 13 years, 1 month ago
Run Roo Run Review

Run Roo Run by 5TH Cell Media is almost daunting to approach at first - with 420 levels initially available you'd be wondering how on Earth you'd manage to complete it all. Thankfully each level only takes a few seconds to complete, though in fairness the first 300 levels are really just the teaser to real challenge of this one-touch platforming game. This cute and vibrant cartoonish title is split in to 20 chapters and follows the journey of a kangaroo out to save its kidnapped joey.…

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Commander Pixman Review

Review One Minute Games By Andrew Nesvadba, 13 years, 4 months ago
Commander Pixman Review

As someone who had to slog his way through the 80s and 90s and the gaming obsession with platformers, coming across one of these genre classics these days is met with trepidation. I say this because we have a rich history of what does and doesn't work, including other less tangible aspects like how the should 'feel'. Commander Pixman gets the first part right as it smooshes Super Meat Boy with the visual stylings of the free game Star Guard, but something about this game by One Minute…

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Evil Dead Review

Review Trigger Apps By Andrew Nesvadba, 13 years, 8 months ago
Evil Dead Review

I, for one, have nothing to complain about when it comes to the Bruce Campbell love of late. Clearly I'm not the only one craving more one-liners and Trigger Apps have released their twin-stick shooter re-telling of the Evil Dead movies (with a bit of artistic license thrown in). As Ash you'll need to beat back Deadites and possessed flora and fauna while trying to protect your friends from the evil slowly overtaking them. For much of the game you'll be limited in your available resou…

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AlexPanda HD Review

Review Lakoo By Andrew Nesvadba, 13 years, 10 months ago
AlexPanda HD Review

Don't be fooled by its cute exterior - AlexPanda by Lakoo is the video game equivalent of a weapon designed for the soul-purpose of getting you to whip out your wallet. Should you take the plunge in to this cute, vibrantly presented arcade challenge, you'll need to take on the task of rescuing AlexPanda by dragging him through numerous hazards to the safe location on each level. Things start out easily enough as your panda is manipulated by touching and dragging him around the screen.…

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DoubleDragon Review

Review JDJC & FUZZYEYES LIMITED By Andrew Nesvadba, 13 years, 11 months ago
DoubleDragon Review

If you're going to talk about Arcade beat'em-ups, you have to talk about Double Dragon - not only is it easily one of the most recognizable titles in the genre, it helped to define future titles thanks to its bone-crunching gameplay. Many consoles including the humble Atari 2600 were graced with adaptions of the game, but now iPhone gamers can claim something truly special - a full update of the game including improved graphics and additional gameplay and features. Players are locked…

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Viking Tales: Mystery Of Black Rock Review

Review Ailove LLC By Andrew Nesvadba, 13 years, 11 months ago
Viking Tales: Mystery Of Black Rock Review

While purists may feel the need to ruin the fun of those who enjoy the idea of horn-helmeted Vikings, others like Ailove are happy to embrace the concept by releasing a fun game based around these vicious sailors. Viking Tales: Mystery Of Black Rock puts you at the helm of your very own longship, swiping the screen to move forward and swiping on either side of the boat to change directions. Double-fingered swipes will consume an available stamina bar, but you'll get a healthy speed bo…

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Disoriented! Review

Review Vortex Games, Inc. By Andrew Nesvadba, 13 years, 11 months ago
Disoriented! Review

Although it has taken some time, platforming titles have slowly gained a bit more respect on the App Store. So much so that developers have started tweaking the gameplay with gravity-flipping mechanics that add an extra level of required skill. Disoriented by Vortex Games extends this concept to its extreme and while the idea is sound, it isn't without some rough patches. The main aim of each level is to make your way to the exit door of the level, which is simple enough, however addi…

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Hedgehog Launch Review

Review Armor Games Inc By Andrew Nesvadba, 14 years, 3 months ago
Hedgehog Launch Review

If you're like me, you're probably a regular denizen of popular free Flash game haunts like Armor Games. If so, then you'll probably also be familiar with Hedgehog Launch and as such you'll need little in the way of convincing to spend some time flinging this fur-ball in to the wild blue yonder. In Hedgehog Launch your aim is to get the little bundle of spines in to space, breaking Earth's orbit once and for all. To initiate a launch you'll need to drag and release the sling holding y…

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