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Monsters Ate My Birthday Cake Review

Review Cartoon Network By Alex Beech, 10 years ago
Monsters Ate My Birthday Cake Review

It was great being a kid. We could talk to our dog in the street without people thinking were crazy, and on our birthday we could eat cake for breakfast without feeling guilty. Its this sense of wonder and delight that Monsters Ate My Birthday Cake instantly awakens - except, as the name suggests, there will be no cake because monsters have stolen it. Taking control of a young boy named Niko, you follow your trusty dachshund Bazooka in search of your missing cake. The innocent story s…

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Eye on the App Store: World of Tanks Blitz, Monsters Ate My Birthday Cake, and more on Twitch! (5pm UK | 9am Pacific | 12 noon Eastern)

Feature By Danny Russell, 10 years, 1 month ago
Eye on the App Store: World of Tanks Blitz, Monsters Ate My Birthday Cake, and more on Twitch! (5pm UK | 9am Pacific | 12 noon Eastern)

Hello all you lovely AppSpies out there! We may have missed Eye on the App Store last week with the boys being away in Helsinki, but James and Peter are back in tip-top form to bedazzle you with the best that the App Store will have to offer you from midnight tonight. To get you hyped up for our forthcoming World of Tanks Blitz multiplayer mayhem this Friday (details to follow tomorrow), General James Gilmour will venture onto the Battlefield to blow the opposition to smithereens. We'll also show you the pretty puzzler with a Zelda-inspired overworld Monsters Ate My Birthday Cake, the superhero-led social city-builder Supernauts, silhouetted sequel Oscura: Second Shadow, and maybe…