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The Coding Monkeys have done an excellent job of transforming the sensational board-game title of Carcassonne to the iPhone. That's jumping the gun on the review, but if you're already a fan of the addictive board-game published by Hans im Glück then that should be all you really need to hear.…
- TheCodingMonkeys
- Version 4.42
- Board Games

Agricola iPad Review
Some board games have an extraordinary number of pieces, making the simple act of setting up a monumental task in itself. Now aficionados will tell you that's part of the allure, but especially with a game like Agricola, the benefit of being able to starta game in a couple of taps cannot be understated. Agricola is a turn based strategy game based around medeavil farming. Now stop right there. Before you cease reading or close the video window, hear us out. While the game may seem ove…
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Sid Meier's Ace Patrol iPad Review
Sid Meier's Ace Patrol is the latest experiment from the acclaimed creator of the Civilization franchise. It's a game that echoes of the combat changes made to the series in Civilization V. Thrown into World War I, you take to the skies as a flying ace. It's up to you to master your aircraft: changing altitude, rolling, banking, and blasting your enemies until they burst into flames. However, these dogfights play out not in real time, but as a turn based experience on a hexagonal grid.…
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NVS Wargame - Ninja vs Samurai iPad Review
As brilliant as a concept may be, if the player can't access your game it's going to fall flat. NVS Wargame - Ninja vs Samurai is an online only strategy title that suffers from many quirks, but most crippling of all is the instability of the servers you're forced to play on. It's an odd decision on the part of the developer, especially as players can enjoy the single-player campaign without engaging in the multiplayer, however by pairing the two together (units and experience unlock…
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Strategy & Tactics: World War II iPad Review
Gamers who typically enjoy strategy titles invariably also enjoy the challenge that comes from seeing a mountain-sized burden of knowledge and conquering it to become masters of their virtual domain. Strategy & Tactics: World War II was once tied to the Hearts of Iron franchise - a series some strategy fans should recognize - and while the mobile title reduces the complexity significantly, it's no less opaque in its mechanics. In other words, be prepared to fail, and fail often as…
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Dominion HD iPad Review
One of the iPad's greatest successes has been opening up the potential for table-top games to go digital, making it easy for multiple players to play on a tabletop or pass around. Dominion HD is Chillingo's latest iPad game and a direct adaption of the classic strategic board game Risk. All of the game's controls are menu driven and features a comprehensive tutorial not only to teach you the controls but also run you through your first match as you learn the game's rules. Dominion is…
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