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Sporos Review

Review Appxplore (iCandy) By Dave Flodine, 11 years, 11 months ago
Sporos Review

Infection as a puzzle mechanic; that's what I think of when I play Sporos. This isn't a new concept mind you. Last year's Tentacle Wars comes to mind, but there's something about covering cells using the microscopic entity known as the sporos that I find equally parts engaging and creepy. To extend that factor, this game both contains a laboratory for essential infection and experimental. Now that game never actually states what the sporos is or what you're doing, so I'll stick with my…

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Puzzle Retreat Review

Puzzle Retreat Review

If you consider pure puzzle titles to be a boring chore, you can probably stop right here; that's not the most flattering of openings, but I know there's more than a few of you who balk at the idea of a game not having at least some sort of action element to it. For those of you who remain, Puzzle Retreat is a brilliant zen-like puzzler that takes the 'sliding block' concept quite literally. Your goal on each level is simply to fill the empty spaces with ice and other objects later on…

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Fluxx Review

Review Playdek, Inc. By Andrew Nesvadba, 12 years, 2 months ago
Fluxx Review

To understand Fluxx by Playdek and Looney Labs you have to understand 'madness' itself. If you reach back to the days of your youth, there are undoubtedly examples of play time with friends where 'playing' was all that mattered - rules existed in a basic sense, but they were ever-changing and evolving, almost at random. Fluxx embodies this free-spirited insanity to create a card game that is never the same game each time you play it; in fact it's entirely different from round to round,…

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Girls Like Robots Review

Review [adult swim] By Dave Flodine, 12 years, 3 months ago
Girls Like Robots Review

Girls like Robots, published by Adult Swim is the most charming and entertaining seating arrangement simulator on the App Store. Now before you all run away out of boredom, let's clarify that. Yes the core mechanic of the game is to find the optimal seating arrangement between a collection of colorful characters that either love or loathe each other, but it's through the characters themselves, and how the game keeps unrolling new situations that makes this a puzzle game that's certainl…

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MONOPOLY Millionaire Review

Review Electronic Arts By Dave Flodine, 12 years, 3 months ago
MONOPOLY Millionaire Review

There's a lot to be said for the mobile versions of Monopoly that EA have released over the years. In my experience, no game is responsible for causing more arguments amongst friends (maybe Mario Kart), so it's nice to be able to enjoy such a well designed take on capitalism playing against computer controlled opponents. For those of you who don't have a problem playing with friends, there's always that option too, and plenty of tweaks to create the type of game you want to play. So t…

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KooZac™ Review

Review Rekiv By Andrew Nesvadba, 12 years, 5 months ago
KooZac™ Review

[KooZac was featured as the Mini-Review for the Friday News Wrap-Up for the 24th of August, 2012] Square Enix have certainly been trying a new approach when it comes to the iOS platform - while their premium RPGs are certainly worthwhile, their casual titles often leave out something in their final release. Or rather something is left in that should be left out - a hand in your pocket. KooZac is a brain-tickling arcade puzzler that challenges players to throw down numbered blocks in…

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Lost Cities Review

Review TheCodingMonkeys By Andrew Nesvadba, 12 years, 5 months ago
Lost Cities Review

Reiner Knizia is no small fish in the world of board games. Titles such as the Lord of the Rings and Ingenious are enjoyed world wide, while Lost Cities, a 2-player 60-card game has even proven to be popular enough to warrant an XBLA remake. Having previously converted Carcassonne to the iOS platform, The Coding Monkeys have taken it upon themselves to restore Lost Cities to its original design, bolstering it with individually scaling AI opponents and multiple asynchronous online games…

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Outwitters Review

Review One Man Left By Dave Flodine, 12 years, 7 months ago
Outwitters Review

It's been a while since we've seen a release from One Man Left Studios. Years ago they released the fantastic Tilt to Live, and aside from updating that game with new modes and features, nothing else has surfaced... until now that is. Outwitters is a turn based strategy game that pits you against the rest of the internet in either 1v1 or 2v2 match-ups. You can play league games which pit you against players of the same skill level as you rank up; you can play against random opponents;…

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Zombie Quest - Mastermind the hexes! Review

Review Pavel Tarabrin By Dave Flodine, 12 years, 8 months ago
Zombie Quest - Mastermind the hexes! Review

We've seen a lot of games involving zombies in our tenure as reviewers, and most of them are pretty much the same. After all, the zombie is a great opponent in an action game. They're slow, there's a lot of them, and most importantly, they're not human. It's been a while since there's been a unique take on zombies in the app store, but Zombie Quest – Mastermind the Hexes most definitely fits that description. More a monster game than a zombie game, but what we have here is a stra…

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Reiner Knizia's City of Secrets Pipes Review

Review BoomBit S. A. By Dave Flodine, 12 years, 8 months ago
Reiner Knizia's City of Secrets Pipes Review

Reiner Knizia's City of Secrets Pipes is certainly an odd title for a game. The setting falls along the same lines. Moles, an engineer on a royal flying vessel unwittingly crashes the majestic airship and now through his engineering prowess has to remodel all the pipes to fix his mistake. Pipes plays like a new spin on the classic Pipe Dream formula, only without the fear of the ever-present encroaching goo hurrying you along. No, each level here is part puzzle, part high…

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Scotland Yard Review

Review Ravensburger Verlag GmbH By Andrew Nesvadba, 12 years, 8 months ago
Scotland Yard Review

I've made it abundantly clear in the past that I love board games. While video games are obviously a passion of mine, their roots are embedded deeply in the social past-time of gathering around a table and vying for supremacy via cards, dice, tokens or just your mind Scotland Yard is almost 30 years old now and a true classic, but also one that may have left many a child frustrated by its obvious weaknesses as a board game, so how does it shape up as a video game? The game supports b…

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Conceptis Fill-a-Pix Review

Review Conceptis Ltd. By Dave Flodine, 12 years, 9 months ago
Conceptis Fill-a-Pix Review

[Editor's Note: Apologies for the video being unavailable for so long - YouTube is currently updating their back end again and it seems some features are missing at this time. We've found a work-around for now and hope this won't be an issue again soon!] Earlier we reviewed Prismapix, a puzzle game where the player uses minesweeper-like clues to know what tiles are safe to uncover a picture on and which are not. That game was based on a simpler kind of logic puzzle, and that's exactly…

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PrismaPix Review

Review Kris Pixton By Andrew Nesvadba, 12 years, 10 months ago
PrismaPix Review

There's a reason why we at AppSpy recently reviewed Kris Pixton's latest release in the Pathpix series - it was to act as a refresher or reminder of the developer's particular puzzling style. Ultimately it acts as a perfect introduction to an entirely new (relatively speaking) puzzling experience in the form of PrismaPix, and while it may feature the same core goals of PathPix, the gameplay itself is fresh and utterly engrossing. Mixing elements of games such as Minesweeper, Fill-a-Pi…

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PathPix Joy Review

Review Kris Pixton By Dave Flodine, 12 years, 10 months ago
PathPix Joy Review

Pathpix Joy is the fourth game in the Pathpix series. What is Pathpix you ask? Well we could tell you to go check out our reviews of the original, but we're going to be nice and tell you here. Pathpix is a favorite amongst puzzle games here at AppSpy. Andrew has made his way through the multiple offerings while all these years later, I'm still playing the original. It's elegant, doesn't require too much straining of your brainy lobes, and upon completion of a level, offers not only the…

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Hero Academy Review

Review Robot Entertainment By Andrew Nesvadba, 13 years, 1 month ago
Hero Academy Review

If you've spent any time gaming on the PC or even major consoles it's hard not to have come across Orcs Must Die, Robot Entertainment's third-person take on tower defense gameplay. Now iOS gamers can experience a taste of the developer's whimsical sense of fun thanks to their free-to-download tactical title, Hero Academy. Part card game, part turn-based strategy, players pit themselves against opponents from around the world in asynchronous matches. As such you can take part in multip…

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