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With a healthy dose of comedy and more than a dash of familiar sci-fi inspiration, Battle Bears -1 (that's a prequel for those keeping track) has jumped from its basic shooter roots and developers SkyVu Pictures have opted to try their hands at a third person shooter. Each level is broken up in to smaller chambers filled with obstacles (including the occasional turret) for your Battle Bear, Oliver, to overcome. This Smash TV inspired design is punctuated by wave after wave of cute ado…
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BATTLE BEARS: Zombies! Review
Battle Bears is a survival action game where players take control of Oliver, a brown teddy bear, who in his mission to secure gold and other goodies, has been stranded behind enemy lines and advanced upon by *gasp* pink huggy bears! Oliver must kill every bear in hopes of surviving until he is rescued. However, if Oliver cannot stop the incoming attack, he will surely be hugged to death. You control Oliver’s gun by aiming using one thumb and shooting by tapping with the other th…
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