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Pocket Gamer's just got a new lick of paint and it's looking good

News By Emily Sowden, 6 years, 3 months ago
Pocket Gamer's just got a new lick of paint and it's looking good

What's that? Pocket Gamer looks a bit different from before? Well, yes it does and there's a very good reason for that – it's had a spruce. I know, I know, between Bigfoot, the Loch Ness Monster, and the PG redesign, it was hard to tell which legendary things were just pure myth. We've taken that out of your hands though and made it a reality, or rather Jez Bridgeman (Steel Media, Creative Director) and Jay Filmer (Steel Media, Technical Lead) did with their website wizardry. You may also notice that Pocket Gamer has snipped off its '.co.uk' tail and replaced it with Pocketgamer.com instead. Plus, it's a lot faster and more responsive than before. "The busy Pocket Gamer site was in n…

We’re streaming a Modern Combat Retrospective live on Twitch (5pm UK | 9am Pacific | 12 noon Eastern)

Feature By Danny Russell, 10 years, 7 months ago
We’re streaming a Modern Combat Retrospective live on Twitch (5pm UK | 9am Pacific | 12 noon Eastern)

It's just a few days until Modern Combat 5: Blackout hits the App Store, so we're celebrating over on Twitch this week with Modern Combat week! We're starting the week with a retrospective of the past four iOS titles: Modern Combat: Sandstorm, Modern Combat 2: Black Pegasus, Modern Combat 3: Fallen Nation, and Modern Combat 4: Zero Hour. Come watch us play through snippets of each, and be sure to tell us in the chat room which were your favourites, and what you're looking forward to in the latest installment! The show starts over on our Twitch channel in its usual 5pm BST / 9am PDT slot, so make sure you arrive in time for the full retrospective. Did you catch our Modern Combat 5: Blacko…

Watch_Dogs Companion: ctOS Mobile lets you battle console and PC players online

News By Alex Beech, 10 years, 9 months ago
Watch_Dogs Companion: ctOS Mobile lets you battle console and PC players online

If you are excited about the release of Ubisoft's highly anticipated Watch_Dogs, then the Watch_Dogs Companion: ctOS Mobile might be be worth a peek. Rather than assuming remote control of the game's tech savvy protagonist Aiden Pearce, this mobile companion app lets you switch roles, giving you command over the Chicago Police department. This means that while someone at their console or PC controlling Aiden Pearce on the home version of the game, you can comandeer a police helicopter to hunt him down. Your chopper even comes equipped with its very own sharpshooter to take down unsuspecting players cruising Chicago streets. If that weren’t enough, you also gain control of ct…

Super Smash Bros-style brawler Fright Fight now live around the world

News By Alex Beech, 11 years ago
Super Smash Bros-style brawler Fright Fight now live around the world

Horror-flavoured multiplayer brawler Fright Fight has been causing a ruckus on the New Zealand App Store for a while now. However, the free-to-play Super Smash Bros.-inspired fighter has just gone global, finally hitting North American and European shores. Fright Fight is all about pitting classic horror icons against one another in pitched battle. The game's four-player online mode allows you to have a free-for-all with up to three other fighters, including a vampire, a yeti, and the Grim Reaper. You control your character's movement and abilities though a series of simple swipes and taps. With only a couple of attacks to fall back on, however, the move list does feel a little l…

Split-screen puzzler Dual Survivor will pit your thumbs against each other

News By Alex Beech, 11 years ago
Split-screen puzzler Dual Survivor will pit your thumbs against each other

Before you read any further, we have a challenge for you: Rub your stomach and pat your head at the same time. No, really. We can wait. Did you struggle with that? Well, then you'll have some understanding of the challenge Rising Step's new game Dual Survivor has in store for you. You see, the goal of the sci-fi puzzler is to guide two separate energy cores down two separate paths. The catch is that you'll be steering both cores simultaneously with separate thumbs. This brain splitting task will start off quite simply, with two symmetrical tracks running in parallel. As the game progresses however, Dual Survivor will step up the difficulty, introducing a range of jumps, obst…