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Top iPhone and iPad games of November 2018

Feature By Emily Sowden, 6 years, 2 months ago
Top iPhone and iPad games of November 2018

It feels like only yesterday that November was only just starting, yet here we are at the beginning of December with a whole bunch of new games to look back on. Doesn't time just fly when you're having fun? From adventures through platformers, shooters, and strategy titles, there's been something for everyone. These ones below are the cream of the crop, though if you don't quite feel the same do leave us a comment below and let us know what you just loved. See/Saw Get it on the App Store A rather unusual platforming game, See/Saw runs along the same vein as Super Meat Boy and the like, though with its own style entirely. It's the ultimate game of sacrifice where sometimes you've just…

Here's what you missed last week on Pocket Gamer's YouTube channel

Feature By Emily Sowden, 6 years, 2 months ago
Here's what you missed last week on Pocket Gamer's YouTube channel

Hello and happy Tuesday, one and all. It's been a minute since I last blathered on here on AppSpy and figured it might be a good idea to catch you guys up on what our/Pocket Gamer's YouTube channel had been up to last week. Since it was a flurry of Thanksgiving and Black Friday sales, it was pretty busy over on Pocket Gamer last week, so sorry about my absence. Good ol' James has had you well covered though with a variety of videos for your viewing pleasure. Bill and Ted's Wyld Stallyns You might have seen this game creep out a couple of weeks back, but now that James has gotten his hands on it you can see what it's like up-close and personal. Er, we wish we could tell you that it's the g…

Catch up on Pocket Gamer's latest YouTube videos - (November 16th)

Feature By Emily Sowden, 6 years, 3 months ago
Catch up on Pocket Gamer's latest YouTube videos - (November 16th)

Good morning, afternoon, or evening, friends. It's finally Friday again, the best day of the week, and that means we get to make our 'to do' lists for the weekend. What? You don't make a list? Well then, don't I look foolish? Rather than me gabbing on at you about what things I'll be doing with my time or what I think you should be doing with yours (answer: anything you damn-well please), I prefer to bring the past week of epic videos from Pocket Gamer's YouTube channel to your attention. Anyone new here – Pocket Gamer's official YouTube channel used to be AppSpy's, but we're all part of the same family so just roll with it and enjoy. Help! I'm Haunted Fans of retro platformers shou…

The top 5 bite-sized golf games on iOS

Feature By Emily Sowden, 6 years, 3 months ago
The top 5 bite-sized golf games on iOS

I've been feeling in a real golfing mood lately. Of course, when I say 'golfing' I don't ever mean super serious Tiger Woods-style golfing, I'm talking about something more bite-sized and adorable. Playing on mobile, I don't really want to get into anything too fussy and the shorter I can play a round, the better. It's still whacking balls in holes (hold your laughter, you fiends) but I've never said no to anything with a cool design or bit of a different outlook on the whole thing. The ironic part is in real life, golf bores me to tears unless the word 'putt-putt' is in front of it. If you're the same and you love those shorter-style bits and bobs, I'm fairly confident you'll love these g…

Top 5 iOS games with dragons in them

Feature By Emily Sowden, 6 years, 3 months ago
Top 5 iOS games with dragons in them

After many months of waiting and watching, Spyro the Dragon is finally out with its lovely remaster and I, for one, am very excited. So excited, that I'm feeling like we should celebrate our purple friend by checking out how dragons are celebrated on mobile. Why? Well, why not? From riding them into battle, having them destroy cities, grow into even grander beasts, or even just becoming the crazy cat lady of dragons, you'll be feeling the heat with these titles. Sadly, Spyro isn't available on iOS, but you'll definitely scratch that reptilian itch at the very least. Hungry Dragon – download on iOS If you've played Ubisoft's Hungry Shark before you'll be familiar with the controls an…

Catch up on Pocket Gamer's latest YouTube videos - (November 9th)

Feature By Emily Sowden, 6 years, 3 months ago
Catch up on Pocket Gamer's latest YouTube videos - (November 9th)

Here we are at the end of another week and it's been a pretty busy one overall. Though things haven't been crazy here on AppSpy, over on Pocket Gamer there's been a bucket-load of reviews to get through and, of course, a few videos by James on the official YouTube channel. Where we saw the likes of PAKO Forever, SHUMP, and Old School RuneScape last week, this time around it's more about boats, triggers, and muscly, moustachioed men, and we love it. I've also been a bit cheeky and slipped in one of our other weekly projects and, in my defence, James DOES run it so it's basically related. Maybe the inappropriate auntie or third-removed cousin of the family? I'm just talking to myself now. Bl…

The top 5 digital pet games for iOS

Feature By Emily Sowden, 6 years, 3 months ago
The top 5 digital pet games for iOS

If you've ever wanted to take care of a pet without the mess or fuss, digital creatures might be the ideal things for you. You can walk them, pet them, feed them, and clean them, all without leaving the house. How marvellous! Even if you own a dog or cat or rabbit or bird, these five games might still make you go 'aww' when playing them. Personally, I spam Instagram and Twitter enough with pictures of my cat, so I try to steer away from anything else adorable when I can. It's hardly ever successful though, I'll admit. Axolochi – download on iOS If you fancy a digital pet that's a bit different, you might do well with an adorable axolotl. These cute underwater creatures come in a var…

Catch up on Pocket Gamer's latest YouTube videos - (November 2nd)

Feature By Emily Sowden, 6 years, 3 months ago
Catch up on Pocket Gamer's latest YouTube videos - (November 2nd)

I think I speak for everyone when I let out a massive "ahhhhhh" and get ready to kick my feet up as the weekend peers in. But, we can't get too comfortable just yet, oh no. Before the alarm gets shut off and the pyjamas stay on, we should have a quick look at what's been happening with video this week. By now you should know that AppSpy's video channel has changed to Pocket Gamer's official YouTube channel. Don't worry, it's only the name that's changed if it's totally new to you, and it's the same fantastic content. Since James was on holiday until a few days ago, there isn't a tons of stuff to get through. Saying that, as always it's high quality and interesting stuff. Old School RuneSc…

The top 5 free to play mobile RPGs for iOS

Feature By Emily Sowden, 6 years, 3 months ago
The top 5 free to play mobile RPGs for iOS

Though it's always worth keeping an open mind when it comes to premium mobile games and paying for content, sometimes you don't have to spend an arm and leg to play something truly amazing. If you get a game that manages to smash style and substance successfully, you're in for a treat. Yes, these five RPGs are free to play, but they stand out because of their quality and general content. That's enough of my rambling though. If you're looking for a decent RPG to play this instant, but don't have the cash to spare you'll get on nicely with these. Eternium – download on iOS Made by a team of passionate RPG fans, this action indie game has a feel of Diablo and Torchlight and sports some…

5 excellent cowboy games for iOS

Feature By Emily Sowden, 6 years, 3 months ago
5 excellent cowboy games for iOS

Yeehaw! I don't know about you, but the release of Red Dead Redemption 2 is still fresh as a daisy in my mind and I explored a fair few miles of mountains and wild country at the weekend (digitally). Who doesn't love drinking, gambling, and riding around in the blistering heat on horseback, eh? It got me thinking though – what about cowboy games on mobile? Western-themed titles aren't an outlier by any mark, but which ones are definitely worth playing? Sadly, there's no Red Dead official 'blah's on iOS just yet, besides the companion app, but these should give you the same gun slinging, rooting tooting vibes. Westy West Cowboys – download on iOS It's bite-sized, a bit daft, an…

Catch up on Pocket Gamer's latest YouTube videos - (October 26th)

Feature By Emily Sowden, 6 years, 3 months ago
Catch up on Pocket Gamer's latest YouTube videos - (October 26th)

It's been a busy ol' week in Steel Media, that's for sure. In case you missed yesterday's announcement, Pocket Gamer got a fresh new look that's been well worth shouting about. I know, it's been on the cards for a fair while and you'll see across all Steel Media sites how excited we are that it's finally here. Getting to the point, you should go check that out if you haven't already. Besides that, it's Friday again and you know what that means. It's time to check out the epic videos James has been putting up. He's off on holiday at the moment, livin' life and sleeping 'til noon and whatever it is people do on holiday, but he's not left you hanging. Have a look at the vids you can catc…

Pocket Gamer's just got a new lick of paint and it's looking good

News By Emily Sowden, 6 years, 3 months ago
Pocket Gamer's just got a new lick of paint and it's looking good

What's that? Pocket Gamer looks a bit different from before? Well, yes it does and there's a very good reason for that – it's had a spruce. I know, I know, between Bigfoot, the Loch Ness Monster, and the PG redesign, it was hard to tell which legendary things were just pure myth. We've taken that out of your hands though and made it a reality, or rather Jez Bridgeman (Steel Media, Creative Director) and Jay Filmer (Steel Media, Technical Lead) did with their website wizardry. You may also notice that Pocket Gamer has snipped off its '.co.uk' tail and replaced it with Pocketgamer.com instead. Plus, it's a lot faster and more responsive than before. "The busy Pocket Gamer site was in n…

Top 5 artistic point and click mobile puzzlers for iOS

Feature By Emily Sowden, 6 years, 3 months ago
Top 5 artistic point and click mobile puzzlers for iOS

The wonderful thing about puzzlers is that they come in all different shapes and sizes. From cosy campfire cookers through to rearranging noir-style frames, all it needs to do is get your brain ticking on. These ones in particular might have a bucket-load of substance, but they're also stunning to look at. More than just getting through levels and solving the challenges at hand, these point and click puzzlers draw you into the story and make you question what's going on as well as wanting to know more. This isn't a closed conversation, though. Because we know there are way more than five artistic puzzlers on the market, let us know what your favourites are in the comments below. Gorogoa &…

Catch up with Pocket Gamer's YouTube channel (October 14th - 19th)

Feature By Emily Sowden, 6 years, 3 months ago
Catch up with Pocket Gamer's YouTube channel (October 14th - 19th)

Good day and happy Monday to you all, I know it's been a little while since you last heard from me, but it's been busy AND I was off on holiday last week, lucky me. Since I'm still settling into working after some chill time and I put gloves on my feet this morning instead of socks, let's have a look at what James has been up to. If you've not been hovering about for the last fortnight, you might have missed the fact that AppSpy's YouTube channel has had a makeover. Now it's sporting our familial site, Pocket Gamer's, logo (since AppSpy is connected to PG anyway), but that's the only change. It's still the same great content with the bearded wonder. Night Terrors: Bloody Mary You might re…

The 5 best mobile horror games to play this halloween

Feature By Emily Sowden, 6 years, 4 months ago
The 5 best mobile horror games to play this halloween

The season of spooks is upon us which means it's time to dust off your masks, maybe don't risk using last year's face paints, and pick out your very finest selection of horror films ready for Halloween. Of course, having a handful of excellent horror games is always a must for these events, isn't it? I don't know what you've been playing or if you've played much - folks who don't like getting scared should probably give this one a miss - but these games are perfect for such a season. Get your cosiest blanket, lock the doors, grab a cuppa, and crack on with any of these lads while you've still got the nerve. Five Nights at Freddy's - download on iOS Of course Five Nights at Freddy's is in…