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Catch up on Pocket Gamer's latest YouTube videos - (November 9th)

Feature By Emily Sowden, 6 years, 3 months ago
Catch up on Pocket Gamer's latest YouTube videos - (November 9th)

Here we are at the end of another week and it's been a pretty busy one overall. Though things haven't been crazy here on AppSpy, over on Pocket Gamer there's been a bucket-load of reviews to get through and, of course, a few videos by James on the official YouTube channel. Where we saw the likes of PAKO Forever, SHUMP, and Old School RuneScape last week, this time around it's more about boats, triggers, and muscly, moustachioed men, and we love it. I've also been a bit cheeky and slipped in one of our other weekly projects and, in my defence, James DOES run it so it's basically related. Maybe the inappropriate auntie or third-removed cousin of the family? I'm just talking to myself now. Bl…

Catch up on AppSpy's latest gaming videos: October 5th

Feature By Emily Sowden, 6 years, 4 months ago
Catch up on AppSpy's latest gaming videos: October 5th

Another week down and dusted and we're peering into the abyss that is the weekend. Whether you've got plans or not just yet, it doesn't really matter. What matters is catching up on what's been going on over at AppSpy's YouTube channel. What's this? AppSpy's channel is looking a bit different, you say? Why, yes! It's had a bit of a makeover and, though it's always been related to Pocket Gamer, it's now merging into it further. That doesn't mean things are changing though, so don't worry yourself too much. There'll still be awesome content and plenty of mobile gameplay videos, hands-ons, and reviews to dive into – just like these ones. Professor Layton and the Curious Village –…

AppSpy's YouTube channel is now Pocket Gamer's official video channel

News By Emily Sowden, 6 years, 4 months ago
AppSpy's YouTube channel is now Pocket Gamer's official video channel

Good day to you AppSpy readers wherever you are and whatever time of day it is. I know, it's unusual for me to not post my regular 'best 5' list so early in the day, but you might have noticed something going on over on our YouTube channel.  Well, as you might have noticed AppSpy's YouTube channel is now officially renamed as Pocket Gamer's YouTube channel. This may seem like a strange move, but don't worry it all makes sense. After all, AppSpy has been part of the Pocket Gamer family from the beginning.  If you're worried about what this means for future content you needn't fear. Everything will be exactly the same, featuring hands-on, reviews, and tips videos as per usual. Th…

Catch up on AppSpy's latest gaming videos: September 21st

Feature By Emily Sowden, 6 years, 4 months ago
Catch up on AppSpy's latest gaming videos: September 21st

Happy Friday, readers! I hope your weather has been better than ours here in the UK, and if not I hope you weren't caught in it at least. Another week's passed us by and James has been busy over on AppSpy's YouTube channel. Only a week after Pocket Gamer Connects, there's been a lot to do between the lines, but we've had some quality content to check out. What? You haven't watched this week's videos yet? Well then, lucky for you we're here to make your life that much more convenient. Aren't we nice? Warhammer Age of Sigmar: Champions - download on iOS James had a whack at the recently-released Warhammer card game, AoS: Champions, and found it rather enjoyable. Though it's got the makings…

The best mobile gaming videos from AppSpy's YouTube channel: September 6th

Feature By Emily Sowden, 6 years, 5 months ago
The best mobile gaming videos from AppSpy's YouTube channel: September 6th

Another week is almost over and now's a brilliant time to take a look back at the past several days. I know I've been writing this round-up up on a Friday, but I figured there's no harm in doing it a day early. Why? James has been busy at work creating more fantastic content for you over on AppSpy's YouTube channel and I just can't wait to share it with you. Maybe you've seen it, maybe you haven't, but I'd highly recommend having a watch of what we've got in store. We're rich in reviews this week, but card game-lovers will definitely want to stick around to read what's been going on. QUARTO review Board game enthusiasts, you should really check this review out. It's only a couple of min…