Home » Apps with tag 'casual'

SHIFT 2 Unleashed Review

Review Electronic Arts By Andrew Nesvadba, 13 years, 2 months ago
SHIFT 2 Unleashed Review

Sometimes, just sometimes it hurts a little when you get excited about a sequel only to realize you've bought the same game you've bought a dozen times before only with a handful of additions and a rearranged interface. It's nothing new and the concept of 'yearly sequels' has long since entered in to gaming culture as a sort of in-joke, with SHIFT 2 Unleashed adding itself to the pile of games that fail to excite. In the Need for Speed series, SHIFT represents a sort of middle-ground…

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Jack of All Tribes Deluxe Review

Review G5 Entertainment AB By Andrew Nesvadba, 13 years, 2 months ago
Jack of All Tribes Deluxe Review

Trying to untangle the weaved mess that is the birth and growth of certain sub-genres of games can be a daunting task, especially when popular casual titles take to mixing RTS, Strategy and Puzzle elements (along with a dash of luck) in order to create their addicting gameplay. Things get even more complicated when you begin to ponder a game like Jack of All Tribes by G5 Entertainment and Divo Games as it could easily be considered a casual RTS in the style of games like The Settlers,…

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One Man Army™ Review

Review EA Chillingo By Andrew Nesvadba, 13 years, 3 months ago
One Man Army™ Review

So, you now own an iOS device and after all of that saving up what's the first thing you're going to buy? Something meaty, something elegant, or maybe something you can slowly plug away at? Don't kid yourself, the idea of playing a tower-defense game on the go was also in the back of your mind too wasn't it? How about a shooter? How about both? One Man Army by Chillingo and Tickled Pink Games tries to mesh the castle and tower defense genres by placing a weapon in your hands, allowing…

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Captain America: Sentinel of Liberty Review

Review Marvel Entertainment By Andrew Nesvadba, 13 years, 3 months ago
Captain America: Sentinel of Liberty Review

It's easy to get caught up in the hype of the recent Marvel films in the lead up to the eventual cinematic version of the Avengers. While the inevitable game conversions of said movies have been less than stellar, the iOS titles have been more than playable, showing some passion for the franchise it represents. Captain America: Sentinel of Liberty by Marvel Entertainment and Sarbakan mixes things up from the expected 3D beat'em-up by giving 'Cap' a free-running experience governed almo…

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Reckless Getaway Review

Review Pixelbite By Andrew Nesvadba, 13 years, 3 months ago
Reckless Getaway Review

While I can't speak for everyone, there's nothing quite like a great car chase scene in a film. Aside from the child-like glee that comes from watching the action and destruction inherent in these scenes, there's another exciting level of knowing you're watching man and machine working in a perfect ballet for the camera. Reckless Getaway by Polarbit and Pixelbite (the developers behind Reckless Racing) have put aside any sense of reality in an attempt to create a madcap, slapstick poin…

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Kard Combat ™ Review

Review Hothead Games Inc. By Andrew Nesvadba, 13 years, 3 months ago
Kard Combat ™ Review

Editor Note (Nov 9, 2011): One of the major weaknesses of Kard Combat when it was released was its lack of customization - something further exascerbated by only having a handful of mages to play with, limiting the overall amount of unique cards to try out. Instead of adding in deck manipulation, Hothead Games has opted to add more mages (albeit at a cost) while also adding in local hotseat (a boon for friends who don't own iDevices). We still feel the lack of customization makes…

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1-bit Ninja Review

Review kode80 LLC By Andrew Nesvadba, 13 years, 4 months ago
1-bit Ninja Review

Retro trappings in iOS games are no new phenomena, but when you take your inspiration from something as odd as Super Mario Land from the Gameboy you've certainly decided to take the road less traveled. 1-bit Ninja by Kode80 may look like this classic title, but mastering its secrets will require a trip in the third-dimension. The graphics and soundtrack aren't the only thing to be given a lo-fi treatment as players can only 'move forward' and 'jump'. It's unusual for a skill based pla…

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BackStab Review

Review Gameloft By Andrew Nesvadba, 13 years, 4 months ago
BackStab Review

On one hand we've already had an Assassin's Creed game on the iOS - your mileage may vary on how successful it was for you, but we got one. On the other, Gameloft have decided to give gamers what they expected to see, albeit with a pirate-y touch in BackStab. Henry Blake has been betrayed by his supposed long-time friend Kane for crimes against his people and after four years Blake is finally given the opportunity to escape his imprisonment and seek revenge. So far, so standard, but i…

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Skipping Stone Review

Review Com2uS USA, Inc. By Andrew Nesvadba, 13 years, 4 months ago
Skipping Stone Review

Despite already having a few titles dedicated to the 'Skipping Stone' series, it seems that iOS gamers are only now being introduced to this classic game from GAMEVIL's archives. Given its Java past it's no surprise to see this endless arcade title keeping things simple, but trying to keep an anthropomorphic stone in the air isn't an easy task. Originally, players had to traverse around the world, encountering various creatures in an attempt to find the stone's lost love. While the st…

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Review KITERETSU INC. By Andrew Nesvadba, 13 years, 4 months ago

Lets use the 'way back when' machine to jump to the far-off land of 2005. To set the scene: You have your chunky Nintendo DS and while Super Mario 64 is fun, you need something else besides your aging Gameboy Advance games to justify playing on it. Insert Zoo Keeper and the introduction of three-match gameplay on a touch device - it's like Bejeweled but with a slightly new dimension to it and that's enough to keep you hooked, at least for a while. Fast-forward to 2011 and now you have…

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1000 Heroz Review

Review RedLynx Ltd By Andrew Nesvadba, 13 years, 4 months ago
1000 Heroz Review

RedLynx likes a good racer, though it seems they have an allergic reaction to vanilla racers, preventing them from making a bland title that most people would recognize. Some would consider it risky to flirt with these sorts unique ideas, but they're not slowing down and their current front-runner is 1000 Heroz. Every day you'll get to compete with people around the world with a new 'hero' and a new level, but you only get 24 hours to make your mark before starting anew. The game itse…

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MONSTER HUNTER Dynamic Hunting Review

Review CAPCOM By Andrew Nesvadba, 13 years, 4 months ago
MONSTER HUNTER Dynamic Hunting Review

Editor's Note: The review was originally posted with a score of 3.4 - this was done in error and has since been corrected to 3.6. While at times we may modify scores due to updates (replaying them to confirm the changes), this was simply a case of human error and we apologize for the confusion. It's safe to say that the Monster Hunter series has a lot of fans with the complex gameplay revolving around improving yourself as a hunter by learning about and finally defeating your prey. Fo…

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The Heist Review

Review LateNite Apps By Andrew Nesvadba, 13 years, 5 months ago
The Heist Review

The App Store is no stranger to puzzle collections; it's an easy way to output content without a lot of effort. So when you come across a game like The Heist by tap tap tap, it's difficult to remain cynical as you realize you've jumped down the rabbit hole and you're enjoying every minute of its maddening puzzles. What makes this game so intriguing is how quickly it manages to invest players in something as obtuse as solving puzzles to crack open a safe. You're given little motivation…

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Demolition Dash Free Review

Review dreamfab By Andrew Nesvadba, 13 years, 5 months ago
Demolition Dash Free Review

Sometimes it's easy to pre-judge and potentially dismiss a game just because it doesn't 'look good', but there's an evil flip-side to this kind of thinking that results in 'style over substance'. Demolition Dash by dreamfab is a visually impressive title that packages the basic gameplay of an endless platformer with visual flair, but it all feels skin deep. Now and then gamers get the opportunity to wreak havoc in a city ala Godzilla, but in Demolition Dash things are scaled back - a…

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Slug Bugs Review

Review Ghost LLC By Andrew Nesvadba, 13 years, 5 months ago
Slug Bugs Review

I'd be surprised if you haven't played 'Punch Buggy' at least once in your life, be it seriously as a kid or for a laugh as a teen or an adult. If you're not familiar with the children's game, the basic idea is to punch someone's arm on sighting a VW Beetle while saying 'Punch Buggy!'. There are variants, but it's a fun (if painful) way to pass time on long road trips. Slug Bugs by 'Action = Reaction Labs' converts the kid's classic in to a whack-a-mole style game, but with an interest…

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