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These are the top sci-fi games for mobile

Feature By Harry Slater, 6 years, 6 months ago
These are the top sci-fi games for mobile

Have you ever looked up at the stars and wondered what's out there, waiting to reveal itself in that enormous vastness? Probably, since it's one of the most human things to do. But since you're never going to get space yourself, we thought we'd take a look at the best science-fiction games for mobile. They're going to take you to space, they're going to take you to the past and the future, and you're going to have a brilliant time visiting all of the weird and wonderful locations that these game offer up. Some will make you sad, some will make you happy, but they'll all keep you entertained. If you think we've missed anything out, feel free to let us know in the comments below. And if you'…

Get a closer look at Out There: Omega Edition in the brand new trailer

News By Glen Fox, 10 years ago
Get a closer look at Out There: Omega Edition in the brand new trailer

Out There: Omega Edition is a new and updated version of the original Out There and it's headed to iOS during the first quarter of 2015. The best way to describe Out There is as a futuristic space survival simulator. Flying from planet to planet you gather resources, say a quick hi to the local inhabitants, and maybe steal a ship or two. The trailer below reveals Out There: Omega Edition in all its 3D glory. Follow the links below to get the original game right now. [App Store link] [Google Play link]…

Space adventure Out There is now out there on the App Store

News By Alex Beech, 10 years, 11 months ago
Space adventure Out There is now out there on the App Store

Space doesn't have to be full of aliens and mutants to be scary. Sometimes, just the solitude and isolation of its cold vacuum is enough. This lonliness is exactly what Out There, the new title from Mi Clos Studio, capitalises on, stranding you in run-down ship, floating in the darkness of the void. Awaking from cryonics in an unknown part of the galaxy, Out There's theme of isolation is immediately apparent. Your craft is in disrepair, and you must immediately start gathering supplies to stay alive. The game's sci-fi universe is not completely devoid of life, however. Intelligent alien species populate distant planets, waiting to be discovered. However, these extra-terrestrials are…